Diet Sodas



  • courtneywebb
    If you google diet sodas, or aspartame...NOTHING comes up that say anything good about I dont understand why anyone would think it could possibly be good for you.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    If you google diet sodas, or aspartame...NOTHING comes up that say anything good about I dont understand why anyone would think it could possibly be good for you.

    No one is saying that it is good for you. We are saying it is not nearly as bad as everyone is saying.

    And just a heads up: Google is not always the best source for stuff like this. If I want a credible source I don't just google it xD
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Okay let's try again. A PEER REVIEWED CLINICAL STUDY. This is an ARTICLE. Try again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • cottonpunk
    cottonpunk Posts: 12 Member
    O god!!!

    No, You will not die, get fat, become lazy, eat more, or give birth to aliens from drinking it. This is a lose/lose questions around here. If you crave it, it is WAY better than the regular. Or treat yourself to one regular soda a week.

    I'm more concerned about the phosphorus acid being a calicum depleter. I'm an early 40s male. While I'm not that too concerned about it, bone density is one (of many) reasons I weight lift. I don't really need something that is contrary to that.

    Yeah, I still drink a cup(or two) of coffee but I don't to add to the lack of calicum absorbtion if I can help it.

    This is a very well-documented concern. Females with family history of Osteoporosis should be careful! I do have one Coke Zero every morning, though!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    If you google diet sodas, or aspartame...NOTHING comes up that say anything good about I dont understand why anyone would think it could possibly be good for you.

    You can apply that argument to almost anything that's remotely linked to health concerns, whilst it's contreversial to perhaps do so but if you look up Drug X you'll get pages upon pages telling you why they're so deadly and that you'll die if you even think about taking them, then you look at the research and find whilst the fundamentals are true the majority of what is said is a load of over hyped sensationalism
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Good to know. I'm not trying to be a nazi about it. Again, I'm just making small changes here. Diet sodas don't offer anything really. And if anything, they are a negative. If there is more in chicken and cheese, so be it. To me, that's another reason not to add to it via diet cokes. I never really drank alot. But I'm trying to sub it with glasses of water. Just think the diet sodas don't offer anything to take the neg hits. The chicken and cheese offer benefits over and above whatever phosphorus acid hit I'd take.
    Noted. I drink diet soda for the TASTE. I do make sure to supplement calcium and also do alot of impact exercises (kickboxing) to ensure maximum bone density.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    Just think the diet sodas don't offer anything to take the neg hits.

    It offers me caffeine, which in turn makes the world a better place because no one wants to deal with a caffeine deficient, headached me.
  • courtneywebb
    The artificial sweeteners (aspartame) in diet sodas actually make you CRAVE sugar, and they convert fat into hydrogenated fat, which is 10 times harder to burn... not to mention they are a class"A" carcinogen, meaning they cause cancer. No bueno.
    Lol, show me a Peer reviewed clinical study backing your claims. Man people believe all sorts of crap nowadays.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer

    Drink what you want, but theres absolutely nothing that states that aspartame is good for you, and there are millions of articles that state that it can cause all sorts of problems...if you choose to ignore the evidence in front of you, go ahead.
    IDEA Fitness member
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    okay... not a good source.
    Peer reviewed scientific study please.
  • courtneywebb
    The artificial sweeteners (aspartame) in diet sodas actually make you CRAVE sugar, and they convert fat into hydrogenated fat, which is 10 times harder to burn... not to mention they are a class"A" carcinogen, meaning they cause cancer. No bueno.

    That has never been proven:laugh:

    First of all, I'd just like to say, congrats on losing 60 pounds, really...that is awesome. But sodas in general are just bad for the human body, and that has been proven. Instead of being so pessimistic about this, perhaps you could use it to your advantage and achieve even better results than you already have

    Proven where? I have yet to see a peer-reviewed scientific study proving anything :]

    YOU show ME anything saying that aspartame is good for you lol
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Good to know. I'm not trying to be a nazi about it. Again, I'm just making small changes here. Diet sodas don't offer anything really. And if anything, they are a negative. If there is more in chicken and cheese, so be it. To me, that's another reason not to add to it via diet cokes. I never really drank alot. But I'm trying to sub it with glasses of water. Just think the diet sodas don't offer anything to take the neg hits. The chicken and cheese offer benefits over and above whatever phosphorus acid hit I'd take.
    Noted. I drink diet soda for the TASTE. I do make sure to supplement calcium and also do alot of impact exercises (kickboxing) to ensure maximum bone density.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Good points. I don't actively suplement my calicum right now. Unless any of other stuff I take has it. In fact, I just noted that almond milk has the least. I just subbed this for my 2% to cut some of the calories/suger.

    But as stated, one of the many reasons I lift is maintain bone density.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    If you google diet sodas, or aspartame...NOTHING comes up that say anything good about I dont understand why anyone would think it could possibly be good for you.
    Um, correlation isn't proof. Again, peer reviewed clinical study or the evidence is anecdotal.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    YOU show ME anything saying that aspartame is good for you lol

    IMHO. Proving that it's really bad for you is different than proving it's good for you. I see it as neutral or slightly negative
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    YOU show ME anything saying that aspartame is good for you lol
    Sorry, but burden of proof is on you right now. If you're going to debate then play by the rules.

    I'll help you out though.
    Diet soda with Aspartame- 0 calories
    Regular orange juice (12oz) - 153 calories

    That means I can pretty much drink diet soda with NO worries on surplus calories compared to orange juice (which is healthier). And weight loss boils down to calories in and out.
    So aspartame is better when it comes to CALORIES.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • courtneywebb
    YOU show ME anything saying that aspartame is good for you lol
    Sorry, but burden of proof is on you right now. If you're going to debate then play by the rules.

    I'll help you out though.
    Diet soda with Aspartame- 0 calories
    Regular orange juice (12oz) - 153 calories

    That means I can pretty much drink diet soda with NO worries on surplus calories compared to orange juice (which is healthier). And weight loss boils down to calories in and out.
    So aspartame is better when it comes to CALORIES.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Drink what you want, I know its not good for me so I choose to stay away from it. I'm not here to argue.
  • Didaniel
    Didaniel Posts: 11 Member
    Actually that's not true. There have been studies recently in the new linking diet soda consumption to a greatly increased risk of stroke, up to 50%. Here's a link to information on WebMD:
  • courtneywebb
    Actually that's not true. There have been studies recently in the new linking diet soda consumption to a greatly increased risk of stroke, up to 50%. Here's a link to information on WebMD:

    thank you.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda.

    It's hard to really quantify this. As many that are diet soda drinkers might already be the type to have a stroke.