

  • You look fab... that's your motivation right there... keep going..
  • I am in....:)
  • Don't give up!. My first week i didn't weigh because i knew i would be hurt.. the second i did and lost 4 lbs.. I see and feel it when i put my cloths on. I think i have lost more inches than lbs. Keep it up:)
  • Try a small bowl of raw Oatmeal (small) and lots of water about 1 hours after dinner it will full you up and it's health. Some evening my kids (i have 2) want breakfast for dinner, I make 3 egg whites, boil 1 cup of raw whole wheat oats, ( making 2 regular size bowls for my kids and one small bowl for myself. 3 slices of…
  • You go Girl!
  • This is my 10th day in, i was never a big eater but i have gained 30lbs over the past 4 years moving from New York to the South and now my divorce. (go figure). Now I eat under 700 cals some days and under 800 cals some. The chart said i should be eating 1200 cal but i am happy with what i am eating and i am not hungry. I…
  • I think you just need a little push thats all. Once you start doing it it will become natural to wake up at that time each morning. I get up at 5:45 AM each day M- F now on Saturdays i want to sleep in but "ding" 5:45 am without an alarm going off my eyes are wide open. Keep trying dont give up.
  • Thank you very much. :)
    in Hello Comment by MarcelliaB August 2011