too many calories!

Hi, my name is Maggi and I have about 15 pounds to lose, I have used other sites, but this one lets me adjust how many calories I need to eat, which is helpful because I went to a wellness center last week and was informed that I should be eating no less than 1600 calories a day even on the days I don't exercise. This shocked me of course because as a girl I have always heard keep it at about 1200 a day, and because when I use online calculators it always tells me about 1300 to lose weight. So now I am having a hard time eating enough. Obviously I could snag a hamburger or 5 cookies, but i am trying really hard to eat 90% healthy calories. Ugh, I never thought I would be complaining about having to eat too much.


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Feel free to take a look at my diary for ideas ( Just ignore today, it's "spoil me dinner" night. :D
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I eat 1200 cals day....If I am under 1200 and hungry then I eat more if not hungry I do not eat. I do not force eat. I try to get at least 1200 cals in a day but on exercise days I am always under. Oh well...I am losing weight. ;)
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    try eating fruit and fat free yogurt, it has some calories but is healthy for you... I love having some plain fat free yogurt with a bit of maple syrup and then some seasonal fruit, mixed berries, cherries or peaches are GREAT right now and if you add a bit of granola cereal it's an AMAZING breakfast!! Also, make sure you're getting enough dairy, like the fat free yogurt or 1%/skim milk, I try to drink at least 8oz at every meal, been failing miserably lately, but i still try. Great way to get ur calcium and stuff and it's "easy" calories. You can friend me if you want and maybe I can help with a few tips. Best of luck and Brightest blessings!!
  • starwhisperer
    Thank you! Your diary looks really helpful, and you like Guiness too! I lost weight on the 1200 calorie too until about 6 months ago when despite my 6 days in the gym, and 1200 calories I got stuck. This test told me that I had sent myself into starvation mode and was shutting down my metabolism. This week I have already lost 2 pounds so it must be working :)
  • MarcelliaB
    This is my 10th day in, i was never a big eater but i have gained 30lbs over the past 4 years moving from New York to the South and now my divorce. (go figure). Now I eat under 700 cals some days and under 800 cals some. The chart said i should be eating 1200 cal but i am happy with what i am eating and i am not hungry. I haven't measured or weigh, i will let my cloths tell. Funny enough i wore a shirt that was very tight in the bust area on Friday to work and i didn't have to use a pin to hold it together between the buttons in that area. :0

    I m taking it one day at a time,. so should you. It took years to put it on, it will take a little time to get it off.
  • OttawaJeannie
    Good for you for sticking to the 1600 cals as advised. Everyone is different and if this is working for you, then carry on. If you can, re-evaluate your needs in another month or so. You may find that nuts, avocado, yogurt, hummus, and increases in protein servings (even an extra ounce or two) will you on those days when you need the extra calorie boost. Good luck to you :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I NET 1750, which means on days I exercise I eat about 2300. Just stay away from "diet" foods. Eat real, healthy foods but use cheese, drinking milk, eat whole eggs, nuts, olive oil, fruit.