Candro Member


  • Menstrual cups are GREAT. I've been using one for 7 years. Which brand are you going to try?
  • Hey - I'm looking for some Misfit friends. . . . I'll send out a few friend request. I've been using my Misfit off and on for about a year. Last month I re-defined my goals and started some serious weight training. I'm now a regular and am not going away. Look for an rest from me! Sandro
  • Hello Ali! I don't really compete with my Misfit Shine (I have no friends there). I just try to meet my points. But I need some support! I don't know anyone else who uses a misfit - will you be my virtual friend? I'm not too overweight but am "smushy." I've decided I don't want to end up like my parents and be healthy as I…
  • I've been away for a few months but we are in the same boat. I'd love to offer support. Count me in! :smile:
  • If you haven't already seen this, take a look. It speaks volumes: It is supposed to be about bullying - but mostly it is about how people can negatively impact each other with words. Especially when we are kids. I could really relate to it.…
  • Hi there, Of course you can do it! It is all mental. I finally have lost some weight after several years of trying. A few things I have learned: 1) Food logging: The good thing about logging your food here is that it makes you aware. I swear I forget what I've just eaten and Fitness Pal helps me give 2nd thought to my food…
  • Hi - everyone has fallen off the horse. You are not alone! I have many times. In thinking back, I believe I've sabotaged myself when I lose a few pounds. I had to really think through that part. This time i am being conscious to keep going and not give up. It is working! I promise you -- just take a step. Once you take…
  • Hello - It is ironic how much I can identify with your situation. My son has PDD-NOS (and seems very Aspergers). Today he was sent home from school for the very same thing as your daughter. He said the same things only he lashed out and grabbed another kid in anger. We are doing many things for him to help his autism and…
  • Hi Tam, I had the same problem, but then noticed under Cardio you can enter "calisthenics." Options are vigorous and light/moderate. Strength training counts! Candro
  • Hello -- I have the same problem. For me, I do very well throughout the day, but come quittin' time, I lose all will power. I think it is because after a hard day's work, I feel the need to celebrate the end of the day or reward myself for my hard work. My downfall is wine and cheese. I LOVE cheese! And wine? I think I can…
  • Small cans of water-packed tuna and a sleeve of whole grain crackers. YUM. Whole pieces of fruit.