Food to travel with

I travel alot of the time,to domestic and International destinations. Can anyone give me some healthy choices in food ,to travel with? I have to go through security and customs at the airports, so alot of fresh food, and liquids can be confiscated. Any ideas?


  • mrsher2
    mrsher2 Posts: 14 Member
    I'd suggest Luna bars- they at least have some protein and taste almost like the chewy granola bars you'd get in the cereal row. I love Target's fruit leathers/strips. They're not particularly filling, but at least you know you're getting some fruit in your diet.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    healthy fruit bars, some raw nuts, perhaps some 100 calorie packs.....
  • Candro
    Candro Posts: 11 Member
    Small cans of water-packed tuna and a sleeve of whole grain crackers. YUM. Whole pieces of fruit.