

  • Yoga...Lov it! I don't know anything about Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown though. My first class, which was Hatha Yoga, I was saying, "what have I got myself into". I did go back and with each class I felt better. It's one of those things where you get out of it what you put into it. Not all classes or instructors are…
  • I too have suffered from low self esteem. For me I had to really get to know myself before I was able to turn that around. One thing I realized was that relied on external validation. That's tough because someone else is always determining how you feel about yourself. I'd take something someone said and let that determine…
  • Thanks for sharing. We all stumble. That's a certainty. It's whether you get up or not that makes the difference. You've clearly gotten up and are on your way.
  • Welcome. You're going to love it. Have you heard about banana ice cream made with just frozen bananas? If you haven't tried it, It's easy and desert like, but still good for you. Let's be friends. We can help each otter navigate the holidays. url=] [/url] Created by…
  • Yes. I too have been stressed. I keep a pack of gum at my desk. I've been chewing so much lately I've developed TMJ. Hey, I wonder how many calories that burns?! :ohwell: Anyway it keeps me away from the candy jar.