wanted to share my story

Hi Everyone :D

I have only been on this site for the past 3 days ( thanks to a friend who showed me this site ) & its amazing so much support
and amazing weight loss story's so i thought i would share mine..

I am 28 and from Victoria Australia i started my weight loss journey almost a year ago

I will never forget the day i finally woke up and realized it was time to do something about my weight. I have a sever heart condition have had it all my life and on this particular day my doctor told me that if i did continue down the path i was headed that my heart would not cope and i would have to have a full artificial value transplant witch would lead to taking more drugs and my risk of not being able to have kids would be high. Just like any girl you always dream to becoming a mum and i was shocked and well taken back.

So that afternoon i went home and researched all the different types of diets out there.. Firstly i tried a diet shake replacing meals didn't do so well i always felt so hungry and would eat even more on them.. tried pills to stop that hunger feeling and they also didn't work.. Then i saw an ad on TV for lite n' easy and thought i would give it a go..

I started on lite n' easy on october the 15th i started at 91 kg and was on the 1500 calorie breakfast lunch and dinner and i will admit at first i thought it was way to much food because you would have at least 7 very small meals a day and you where always having to eat witch Increase my metabolism by eating smaller meals.. but i was not use to that i was use to starving all day then finishing work and coming home and stuffing my self all night..

the first week i felt like i had put on weight because i can always constantly eating but to my surprise when i weighed in on the Friday morning i had lost 1.3 kg in ONE WEEK! i was stoked :D as the months went on and i increased my exercise i started to notice changed in my self and i felt more alive and energetic and even clothes i didn't fit in to started fitting me :D

by may 2011 i had lost a total of 13kg and was only 7kg of my goal weight things where going strong i was super excited :D BUT... then a few personal things happened in my life and i just went back wards.. i was giving up.. few personal things happened my car was broken in to.. was missing my family and i found myself sneaking in junk food as a comfort as well as lite n' easy the next week i had gained around 700g that's when the depression set in and i some how just gave up could not be bothered anymore was in a funk!

I went off lite n easy for just over 3 months and i had gained back around 4.3 kg ( sitting at 82.3 kg )i know i still have kept of some of the weight but i just could not believe i let myself fall back in to the old me so i have started a new job and things where on the up and i decided to give lite' n easy a shot again i have been back on it for about 2 weeks with a weight loss of 1.3 kg :D a friend of mine that i would with introduced me to this web site and i have found it amazing as it keeps track of everything you eat. ( i am only on the 1200 calories breakfast and lunch on lite n' east ) and i make my own dinners and it a really great tool to help keep me on track to reach my goal weight of around 67 - 70kg i am hoping with the support and inspirational from the peop,le on here i can make my goal weight by December :D

These are pic's of me through my journey the last one was taken about 1 month ago i have NEVER SHARED THESE PICS with ANYONE so i am a little worried but i guess i am with people who know what i am going through :D


thanks for taking the time to read my story :D


  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    i cant get the pic's to work anyone know how?
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    There you go. Hope it helps. I didn't get to read your story yet but saw your question and figured I would try to help
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Your profile picture shows a beautiful young woman who lacks confidence. You have conquered your weight before; you can do it again. Stick with MFP, friend people and become involved. The support is available to you. We are here for you.

    Congratulations on your journey so far.
  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    thanks for the help guys :D
  • kmkeyes
    Thanks for sharing. We all stumble. That's a certainty. It's whether you get up or not that makes the difference. You've clearly gotten up and are on your way.
  • LNEdiacos
    LNEdiacos Posts: 6 Member
    Kmkeyes is right.
    I think your story about stumbling and getting back up is even more impressive than a story about someone who never struggled.
    Well done, Rebecca, I'm so proud of you! :)
  • kristyemilia
    kristyemilia Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on sticking with it :)
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Well done, keep on chipping away. Sometimes it takes a little while to work out what works for you. Never give up!
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