mallieh Member


  • you look amazing! great job !
  • I don't think WHEN you sleep is a problem, its HOW you sleep and for HOW LONG. For example, I (being the 20 year old that I am) used to have strange sleep patterns. I would go to sleep one night at 3am and wake up the next day at 11am. The next night I would go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am to get ready for work. This…
  • I do reverse crunches and they are hard but you can really tell the difference. One type I do is i lay on my back with my hands flat on the floor next to my sides. I raise my legs up so my body creates a 90 degree angle from the floor. Then I lower my legs with control only about 6 inches, then raise them back up to the 90…
  • Hey guys, thank you SO MUCH for all the great responses! I am definitely going to plan it out before I go, and work on my portion control if i can't find any nutritional info and I am definitely going to cut back on going out to eat (i usually end up going after classes because it seems like a waste of gas to drive twenty…
  • I am as well! I try to sneak in as much "insignificant" exercise as I can, like parking WAY far away from the store, taking stairs ANY chance I get, walking BRISKLY and with a purpose (like in the grocery store, i don't allow myself to wander, which then cuts down my temptation to buy food i don't need .. win - win!) plus…
  • Welcome :) I am new too and looking forward to losing this weight! Awesome job quitting smoking, that is huge! If you can do that, then you can lose weight too :)
  • People like that are definitely hard to deal with, I'm sorry he's making you feel bad :( As much as we don't want things like that to affect us, they do anyway. Just keep your head up and remember that he's shallow, and therefore his life is most likely shallow too. You on the other hand, have kids and a body that you care…