

  • number 1 tip: avoid the kitchen. do not taste test even.. if you feel like snacking and you are not hungry, get on the scale instead. cut ur calories, sugar, and carbs way back. be determined not only to lose weight but say I will get HEALTHY.. Ive been doing atkins for a week now ive given up all my favorite food, and…
  • Ive had success with seriously cutting carbs and sugar. Just low cal didnt work for me either. If ya want to add me you can see my food journal if that helps. I have lose 10 lbs this week. BUt it is my 1st week.
  • food isnt the answer to that. A WHY? IS....... Be strong, think about what you want for yourself. All kids do this, I did this. The moment will pass. Dont make it worse by putting urself thru the guilt of binging.
  • the gotee is always good.. But up to your happiness.
  • Love bald men, mm hmm that shiny head my favorite. However my husband does have hair. lol.
  • YOu look amazing great job.
  • You should set your goal, noone else can tell you where you will be happy at. Keep your goal at 150 then reassess later on.
  • Yes I am 5' 4. I started this week at 170 im down to 162 doing atkins. I have never been over 170 except during pregnancy. But I was very skinny my whole life before kids. MY goal is 130 as well. Its a comfortable size 6 for me. Not to skinny and not to curvaceous. Add me as a friend if you would like. Keep up the good…
  • ive never heard of that, can you explain it to me?
  • I say in the morning. naked if you can thats the most accurate. and around the same time everyday. but if everyday check ins discourage you only do it once a week.. : ) good luck..
  • Pasta, a tv dinner, a personal made pizza with premade crust is very quick., a cheese soft taco, bacon, fruit and cheese for a dinner, brkst for dinner, my son is oober picky so I always have to make him his own regardless so this topic i am used too. fish sticks, chicken nuggets, some kind of a wrap, a lunchable etc
  • People wont agree with me but here it is.. I tried doing it that way too and it didnt work for me. It still wasnt enough change to get quick results. I am now doing atkins. I have gone to no sugar, and maximum 10 carbs a day and im down 4 lbs in 4 days. It may work for you or it may not. But its just a thought if you…
  • Thats me too I did lightly active.
  • Hello fellow Atkins friends. I have just begun. This is day 4 and ive lost 4 lbs I am soo excited. I want to lose 40 lbs. I was a carbaholic so my body is withdrawing. But its okay ill manage. I am so glad to find you all on here I am the only person I know starting to live an atkins life. I do have a constant headache but…