Question to those with young kids

What do you feed your little ones for dinner? I don't mean every night, but like some nights if I want to have a salad, my husband will eat a salad with me...but unfortunately my 3 year old won't. He eats lettuce in things, but he won't eat a salad. I really don't have the time, nor desire, to cook two meals a night, one for us and one for the LO, but I don't want him eating a PB&J every night either. So, any quick easy meal ideas for kiddos on those nights when we are eating salads or something like that?


  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    What do you feed your little ones for dinner? I don't mean every night, but like some nights if I want to have a salad, my husband will eat a salad with me...but unfortunately my 3 year old won't. He eats lettuce in things, but he won't eat a salad. I really don't have the time, nor desire, to cook two meals a night, one for us and one for the LO, but I don't want him eating a PB&J every night either. So, any quick easy meal ideas for kiddos on those nights when we are eating salads or something like that?

    I make my kids homemade chicken nuggets all the time with baked sweet potato fries - and you could throw a few extra nuggets on your salad. Just cut chicken into strips, dip in egg white and roll in panko (mixed with garlic powder, salt, ital seasoning - whatever you like) and bake in the oven.
  • manorexicmarshmallow
    we heat him up his own meals, usually like ravioli or pizza or something. He won't eat salads either, but those other meals are really not hard to make.
  • dmarsek
    dmarsek Posts: 8
    That's a great question. I'd like some ideas too. My wife and I struggle with the same thing with our two year old. Our eight year old will eat 99% of what we do, but the little guy is a different animal!
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    depending on what type of salad you are eating could you give him everything that is in the salad but without the lettuce as a base. My daughter has now gotten to the point where she pits lettuce out so if I am having a cobb salad or taco salad I give her everything else but the lettuce. She feels like she is still eating what I am and is happy
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Honestly, I heat up a hot dog in the microwave, cut up some tomato, give her a few pieces of spinach and maybe a string cheese and she's a happy camper. Takes 2 mins.
  • linzmarie316
    My daughter loves macaroni, so sometimes I make her the cups of easy mac and add some tuna and crumbled crackers. I also add the new single servings of peas on occasion. She loves it!
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Ground turkey tacos for them. Taco salad for me.
  • djh1980
    djh1980 Posts: 18
    Pasta, a tv dinner, a personal made pizza with premade crust is very quick., a cheese soft taco, bacon, fruit and cheese for a dinner, brkst for dinner, my son is oober picky so I always have to make him his own regardless so this topic i am used too. fish sticks, chicken nuggets, some kind of a wrap, a lunchable etc
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    When we have salads, my son has a pu pu platter of some of the ingredients. For instance, he'll have green peas, crackers, oranges(or apples), and scrambled eggs if we are having an Asian themed salad. Mexican salad night it will be black beans, cheese, and corn chips. I keep the toppings separate, because I also have a picky 8 year old who likes to eat all the parts separately.
  • misterbilliam
    misterbilliam Posts: 12 Member
    my little one loves cauliflower and brocolli with cheese sauce. Very quick and easy to do. Or pasta with a pesto sauce. Both are very quick meals.
    A baked potato is also a good accompanyment to encourage kids to eat salads

    Other than that, we usually batch up kid size portions of stuff like bolognese or shepherds pie.
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    My kids will eat the salad only if they can choose what goes in it and help make it. Generally its pizza toppings. So if they don't want the salad I know I can throw it all on top of two peices of bread, bake it a few minutes, and they have pizza sandwiches.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    I use things like spagettios, soup, light hotdogs, chicken nuggets or sometimes I have left overs from a previous night. I also sometimes add some veggies with those small cans of veggies you get on the veggie aisle.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I sometimes just make a little chicken breast and some veggies. My kids always like to dip their chicken in ketchup or bbq sauce so I can just boil a piece. It doesn't take long and I don't have to worry about seasoning it.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I try not to do EasyMac more than once every couple of weeks. It is so gross and has no nutritional value whatsoever! Usually, if my 4-year-old doesn't want what we're having for dinner, I give him some string cheese, a bowl of fruit, or I quick steam him some broccoli. Sometimes he'll ask specifically for a Nutella sandwich or PB&J or a hot dog. Generally, though, I try to get him to eat at least 3 bites of whatever we're having for dinner before I make him something special. We've been trying for about 8 months to get him to eat what the family eats and it isn't always easy! He is really picky and hates certain textures.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Usually I try to plan our salad nights the day after having a big meal that will have leftovers. My oldest (4) has started eating some types of lettuce, but not all the time. So the hubby and I have our salads and the boys will eat the left over turkey/chicken/pork.. or whatever we have. Most of the time we just grill enough chicken for two nights so the adults have grilled chicken salads and the boys will have chicken with the left over veggies from the night before.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    No offense to anyone and I know each child is VERY different and I also know a lot of pediatricians suggest feeding underweight picky eaters junk food just to get them to eat. BUT, they do say that it takes 6-8 times of putting a food in front of a child before they might start eating it, and then it's a big "might". But, starting good, healthy eating habits with your children early is so key to ending our obesity epidemic. Feeding your children Easy Mac and hot dogs while you eat something healthy is just sending the wrong message, in my opinion. Give them what you're eating...and then add a little something to the plate that you know they'll eat, like a piece of fruit or something. Your kids won't starve themselves. They'll just eat more at breakfast.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    My kids are just leaving the "little" stage, ages 12 (13 next month), 11, and 9. I wish I had started healthy eating sooner. Years ago we made a rule of one dinner. That's all there is to eat, if your hungry you will eat what has been made. I'm not saying it's been easy. We made unhealthy dinners for so long my kids are a little freaked out by all these new veggies. My oldest especially! If I were to make a suggestion, start now. Add to their meals, don't take away. If you are having chicken nuggets add a salad on the side instead of fries. Good luck!
  • maggieschuck
    Grilled chicken or any meat that can be used on a salad. I make a big pot of brown rice or beans every week. So I just have to reheat and serve. Im pretty good about always having left overs ready for the kids. I cook about 2 times a week and save the left overs for the kids. I also have a tub full of cut veggies so its less work at dinner time. I spend 2 night a week making meals for the whole week.
  • sldavis73
    My 3 year old is so picky and I also usualy have to make her a seperate dinner but the nights that my husband and I have salad, she eats some of the ingredients. Some night I make her a grilled cheese, hot dog, mac and cheese, cereal, grits and toast... My daughter will eat any meat that we make but getting her to eat any "good" sides is very difficult!! It makes it very difficult when watching what you are eating and not everyone in the house is on the same page... Thank God I just got my 18 year old to start watching her weight and she signed up for Myfitnesspal.. so that should make it easier!

    Good luck