OMG I'm fat! =(



  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    "if i have a bad day, i write 'bad day' in my tracker and turn the page, and move on, and try again tomorrow".

    Wonderful attitude! I also really like the stickers on the calendar. I used that to quit smoking. Seems silly but after 2-3 months of full stickers, I didn't want to mess it up! And it was super fun going to the pharmacy/grocery/store for stickers for ME.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    track it all; log everything you put in your mouth (food, drink, supplements); the rest will take care of itself
  • SaraWojcik19
    SaraWojcik19 Posts: 114 Member
    I read a really good article about being skinny fat and it said to do plenty of weight/strength training. It said that tons of cardio will burn fat but it won't tone you, so you might still have that skinny fat look.

    What kind of work out regimens do you guys do re: days per week of weights versus cardio?

    I was planning on stepping up the wegith training and the interval cario workouts (i.e. - burpess, sprints, jump rope, etc...).
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    My main piece of advice is never give up. There might be times when you do just want to throw in the towel (the scale is often a reason for this) or get frustrated but keep on working toward your goals. The other thing is to not only measure your progress by the number on the scale. Be sure to take measurements. I have often lost inches before pounds.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    After just a couple weeks I was hooked on this new lifestyle - seeing the progress on the scale was such a huge motivation, and as I continued to fit into smaller and smaller sizes it really kept me going. I've been at this since January and it's just second nature now. I can't even imagine going back to my old eating habits and sedentary-ness. I love eating healthfully and I'm totally addicted to working out.

    Just stick with it, it's only a struggle for a little bit... then the rewards you reap will keep you going! Best wishes!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I read a really good article about being skinny fat and it said to do plenty of weight/strength training. It said that tons of cardio will burn fat but it won't tone you, so you might still have that skinny fat look.

    What kind of work out regimens do you guys do re: days per week of weights versus cardio?

    I was planning on stepping up the wegith training and the interval cario workouts (i.e. - burpess, sprints, jump rope, etc...).

    I do about 2 days of cardio and 2 days of Weights.

    I do squats, lunges, bi-cep curls, tri-cep dips, seated rows, pull ups, leg press, planks, chest press, hanging knee raises.

    Look on or read the new rules of lifting for women book.. both are highly recommended.
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    Seriously.. nevermind.. all i was saying was that she came on here saying OMG IM FAT.. when she is HALF the size , or less, than some of the people on here.. yes i think i am fat.. but i SURELY wont go telling somoene bigger than myself i was fat. its inconsiderate and rude...

    I fully understand warnings now regarding these boards...

    i will no longer be commenting on this one..
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Taking pictures of myself without clothes on was the shocker for me, clothes really help hide weight for the most part so when you're in the nude it can be a real eye opener.

    When i'm losing steam I just think about the body that I want to have and that keeps me going!

    also really important to find exercise that you truly enjoy doing, it makes it so much easier!!

    i love riding my bike so it's very easy for me to go out and do a 12-14 mile bike ride everyday and I also just discovered kettlebells and i'm loving it as well!
    If you try to force yourself to do a workout everyday that you absolutely hate then you are setting yourself up for failure no matter how fantastic the workout is suppose to be for losing weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not trying to be rude here... but your goal weights are 100 lbs less than what i am now.. So basically you just said i was fat.. Thanks.. there went my encouragement for the day.

    no she didnt. she was talking about herself, not you.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I am not trying to be rude here... but your goal weights are 100 lbs less than what i am now.. So basically you just said i was fat.. Thanks.. there went my encouragement for the day.

    no she didnt. she was talking about herself, not you.

    Exactly.. Everyones goal is different.. Just because I want to weigh 140-150, does that mean I am saying you're fat or that OP is too skinny? No.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    I am not trying to be rude here... but your goal weights are 100 lbs less than what i am now.. So basically you just said i was fat.. Thanks.. there went my encouragement for the day.

    it wasn't about YOU!!! It doesn't matter if it's 5 pounds or 500 pounds you have to lose. It's hard, and when you feel bad about yourself it's horrible! Let's support her and not make her feel bad just because you are sensitive. I am sensitive too, but this is not about anyone elses feelings but the posters!
  • djh1980
    djh1980 Posts: 18
    number 1 tip: avoid the kitchen. do not taste test even.. if you feel like snacking and you are not hungry, get on the scale instead. cut ur calories, sugar, and carbs way back. be determined not only to lose weight but say I will get HEALTHY.. Ive been doing atkins for a week now ive given up all my favorite food, and drinks. I have not strayed one time, because the scale keeps me going on.... im down 10 lbs and ready to lose more. stay busy!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    my best advice is to eat a fabulous breakfast and keep your body moving! There is also this great book I got for my kindle. it's called, If I'm so smart, why can't I lose weight? it's awesome! Good luck and keep your chin up! You're beautiful!
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    I would say log, log, log the food. You will be shocked and amazed at the calorie content. And you will think twice before eating that treat or restaurant meal.
  • SaraWojcik19
    SaraWojcik19 Posts: 114 Member
    To the gal who thinks I called her fat............sorry you took that the wrong way. All I meant was that I saw a picture of myself and in my eyes, yeah, I'm fat. I guess I didn't really realize it till I saw that picture. 135 pounds on my tiny frame is a lot. It finally hit me that I am over weight and need to do something about it. Sorry if I offended you.

    I am going to look up the books and articles you guys recommended. I need to jsut commit to myself a week at a time that I won't falter. Small goals, like the one poster said.

    I am going to be taking some highly unflattering pics tonight when I get home. I'll put them somewhere visible so i can help stay motivated.

    Thank you all for being so supportive. I really appreciate it. Hopefully we can all continue to encourage each other! =)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Bump to read later. GREAT advice in here, thank you for posting this!
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    Hey, I'm fat, too. Let's be friends. :laugh:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    My method: PLAN AHEAD.

    My motivation: I look back how far I have come, and how fat I was when I started. When I'm tempted to skip the day's workout, I ask myself, "do I want to go farther, or do I want to take a step back to where I started?" The answer is always the same, and it always makes me get up and exercise. That's how it's worked so far anyway :smile:
  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    The thing is it isn't one thing. If it was that easy we'd all ve skinny. Haha. The reality is it's the sum if a lit of little changes. They all add up.

    But two key changes I made...don't eat after 6 pm and eliminate sugar from your diet.
  • I may be a little late on this one, but i've heard it and thought it may help to fight the bad food temptation... "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels".... I, personally, wouldn't know what being "skinny" feels like haha, but that's my mini-motivator to fight through the daily temptations... I want to see what being skinny feels like :)