

  • I learned Tai Chi through the Arthitis Association. Not only was it free, it was fun. There were people in the 30's-90's in the class.The only thing I found difficult was standing for the 60 minute class time, due to a back problem. Other than that, I was great. The music played was from the Orient. I believe you are…
  • Thanks. I usually have the major munchies after I work out.
  • :happy: Those look like some tasty recipes. I really have to get ink so I can print them out. I wonder if my chunky monkey nephew would know if he was eating a healtier recipe. Does anyone mind if I include them in a cookbook I am putting together for him. He likes to cook, well mostly he uses the grill and the crock pot.…
  • Its ok if we slip up, its what we do about it that really matters. The trick to any hurdle I think is to stand up, dust ourselves off and start were we left off. We onl y human after all. I am new here but I have noticed that everyone seems so friendly and so willing to help someone who is just starting a new program. I am…
  • I was also a bit confused. Glad I ran across you post. All the answers seemed about the same. And best of luck to everyone in obtaining their goal.
  • Those sound really good. My sister and I will be trying these. Thanks for the recipe. Eyesofblue
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