

  • Welcome back! Sounds like you've been through a lot in the last year and now it's your time to shine:) You can do it and we are here to cheer you on all the way. Heather
  • I just started doing the Turbo Jam dvd's. It isn't straight up kick boxing but it does incorporate some kick boxing moves. It's a great workout and also challenging so you feel like you are doing something. And the instructor is in great shape, so that is motivating as well. I've lost about 6 lbs so far and am starting to…
  • Hi! I also have about 15 lbs to reach my goal weight and feel that I have been hovering around the same weight forever too! I think have gained and lost the same 5 lbs for a couple years now... I did a cleanse a couple weeks ago and shed almost 6 lbs and have kept it off. Whoo Hoo! It wasn't anything crazy, just cutting…
  • Hi Kristen, I just was recently introduced to ViSalus and just started the 90 day challenge and love the shakes! They really do taste great. A friend of mine lost 42 lbs on the challenge and I thought I would give it a try as well. My sister and I are doing the challenge together. This morning I made one with cinnamon and…