BethN77 Member


  • This lady asked for the experiences of those of us who do 1200 calories a day. That's where *I* fall & give her feedback I did. Where your numbers for her correct, since your calculations & conjecture were based on 8# to go instead of 8# lost? No, I didn't get my initial quote of 1200 from MFP. That number came from my…
  • I forgot to report here what I weighed in at on Sunday the 18th! Starting Weight 130.4 Mid-Point Weight 127.8 End Weight 126.6
  • She doesn't have 8# to go, she's lost 8#. The "killing you slowly" bit isn't accurate & was pretty harsh. I have 8# to go (5'2" 34y female) & MFP has had me at 1200 from day 1. If I'm hungry, I eat back my exercise "bonus". If I'm not hungry, I don't. Many times, I'm under the 1200 even on days I don't exercise. In fact,…
  • I don't mind tats at all - except ones on the face, throat, & wrist, and I don't like "dark" ones, like skulls, reaper, & such. Maybe I just haven't seen any that looked like they were worth having in those spots? A pet peeve of mine is that no one should get a tat just because. They are permanent & should reflect that…
  • Right there with y'all. Went from 38C to 36B. I wear a sport bra most of the time, as I don't have a regular bra that fits anymore, and the band seems fine while the cup area is still a little big :sad: I've born 5 children, and! I'm hoping breast augmentation is in my future! :happy: I have noticed that chest…
  • Cool! I was planning on walking for at least that long today anyway! However, I was going to do it for the exercise. Since my hubby will be doing it with me, maybe it'll be both exercise & enjoyment!
  • Do you need us to keep our weights in a specific format? Telling you in each progressive weigh-in post our Starting Weight, Current Weight, & our End Weight? Or are you able to keep up with it with us posting just our weigh-in?
  • *Today is the half-way point!* :happy:
  • Half-way point: Weighed in this a.m @ 127.8# :happy: Sundays are my normal weigh-in day. I always weigh myself 1st thing in the morning, after using the bathroom & before eating. I takeoff everything, even my rings. (The ponytail holder can stay :tongue: ) I also always measure my waist at the same time, as waist expands…
  • Yay! Did 'em - all 4 freakin hundred! Saw this challenge a few minutes after 10pm CST, & took 20 minutes just to decide if I had enough time to do them! Finished at 11:33pm.
  • No, not everyone will put it back on! It's not a fad or crash diet. *We* are actually eating real food (as opposed to shake or other non-realistic & non-sustainable fads), paying attention to what we eat, how we eat, portion sizes, & our exercise regimen. How can your husband deny your incredible results??? :noway: My…
  • I just saw this & would like to join. It's about 6pm. I haven't had a single glass of water today, have eaten 2 meals, and haven't done any cardio. Am I too late? If not, my name is Beth, I'm 34yo, & mother of 5. My weight right now is 129.4. My goal weight for this 14 days is 125#.