SahmReviews Member


  • I do a Cardio/Strength class at the Y two days a week and the elliptical on a third. During nicer weather, we walk the neighborhood as a family. Hubby bought me a new set of weights and kettlebells for Christmas but I hurt my arm a week or so ago doing other stuff and I'm waiting for it to heal so I can use them! I use a…
  • Try carbonated flavored water. Lots of great recipes!
  • I'm doing social media outreach for a zero calorie carbonated flavored water (which shall remain nameless since I'm conveying an idea and not pitching a product.) We are currently challenging bloggers to lighten up holiday baking and cookies. They've been coming up with some amazing recipes using the flavored waters to…
  • First time around, you need to get fresh. It makes all the difference. Thin stalks are typically more tender. The best way to figure how much to cut off the bottom is to pick up the piece and bend it near the bottom. It will have a natural break point and just snap. No knife required. I agree that olive oil and minced…