

  • More ideas though I'm sure you already know.... basically you can almost wrap anything in lettuce like you would bread. so wrapping tunafish in lettuce...there are so many SOUPS out there you can make easily low-carb and all around healthy, but I'm not sure if you have access to a microwave. Making a big veggie packed…
  • oops, jsut remembered you don't like avocado, no biggie that can be opted out.
  • How about a variety of vegetables, celery, broccoli, cucumbers (all quite low in carbs). Eat it with fat free cottage cheese (for protein). Possibly a dip for the veggies, depending how many carbs/cals you have left for your alotted amount. also do some red onions, green & red bell pepper, avocado, diced/sliced together…
  • Already did my 30DS this a.m, that's part of my goal. Tonight is ZUMBA but I also want to get in a 30min walk today w/ my son (which I should do within the next hour or so! =) Keep it up everyone!
  • Awesome way to start off a Monday - great job! I only count cleaning when I do the heavy-duty spring cleaning =/ so thats only like once a month or so. _____ I did my 30DS! I will be @ level2 this week! =)
  • I LOVE THE 'MOTIVATION' meanings!!! =) I'm going to put that up somewhere I can see it everyday! Thank you! I would LOVE to join. This week I want to reach 195! I am So close (1lb)! But other than that I want to do my 30DS every single day. Starting today, ending Saturday =)
  • Thanks for all of the responses! I'm checking them all out (if I haven't already)! jclji4- I'm about to start an Oz Challenge next week! =)
    in Blogs! Comment by stephlewis March 2011
  • LOOOOVE having extra Spirit & Support!!! lol. I added you! Anyone else feel free to add me as well, I don't come on every single day but I would love to hopefully soon!
  • Oh, yum, haven't had brunswick stew in ages! =)
  • Antioxidants, Lycopene, etc. It's a "superfood." I just like that it is an inexpensive way to help boost immunity, fight cancer, low-sodium =)
  • ummm... all of the above? lol. I don't have a set weigh-in day. In fact, I haven't weighed myself in over a month. I can just tell my pants fit better and looser. Guess I can hop on over to my friends & weigh myself tomorrow! Wednesday weigh-ins?? Easy to remember that day... cuz we want to lose our humps---and it starts…
  • Aw now this is my kind of support group!
  • awesome everyone! i've got in about a half hour so far! =) I'm jealous of all you bike-riders! I do not own one yet.
  • Good luck MXBURKE! =) If any of you are interested, I posted a mini-challenge for today!
  • Whittrusty- CONGRATS on your first goal! WTG! =) I'm finally seeing the scale go back down! I'm not to my starting weight yet but I should meet it/beat it next Monday if things continue the way they are! My poison for this week is to work out EVERY SINGLE DAY this week. I need to get serious about this! I know it's…
  • That's really cool Panera does that! The closest one to me is 45 minutes away =( I miss up home, we had them everywhere!
  • I went to the docs yesterday, I'm down 6.4lbs since I was last there(was before I join MFP)--it isn't a huge drop but the weight has stayed off for a few months now so I counted it as something good =) I'm doing well with the mental challenge this week, I tell myself something POSITIVE about my body each day...also taking…
  • Ugh. I did 365 minutes of working out this week, feel great about that. BUT THE SCALE HASN'T MOVED! I mean I'm glad it hasn't gone up but I was really hoping for a little dip in the numbers...I worked hard, we went to the beach a lot and I was constantly moving-walking, jogging with my dog along the beach (sand is a great…
  • WooWoo great job everyone! I gained some water weight too this past week and I'm back down again to almost "normal." I completed last weeks challenge I was proud of myself. Every other day I added in 100 squats as well. Great idea for the new challenge! that means if I work out at least 5 days this week for roughly 36…
  • Personally I think you can get more bang for your buck, and better calories, by making it yourself at home. You'll get more to last you longer, or for more lunches, and you can 'health-ify' them to fit your calorie needs. BUT I also don't think it's bad to be doing research, just in case you're "in those moments" and have…
  • Glad you're not obsessing over the binge, I think a lot of people restrict themselves so much during their quest to get healthy they forget to LIVE a long as it doesn't turn into an everyday thing you're fine =) Good job with babysteps, that's smart!
  • I'm struggling with water weight this week as well, but mine is also due to TOM, though I know I can always cut more sodium out. How did you find out how much oz of water you're suppose to get? Feelin the burn from my 100 crunches a day! how's everyone doing with the challenge?
  • Thank you all for the tips & ideas! Now I really want some spicy shrimp! =)
  • TOM has hit me =( I'm up a pound. Not discouraged though I know it's only that annoying water weight. I drink tons of water too so I'm not too worried. GREAT CHALLENGE! Cannot wait! Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS…
  • also instead of dicing it try using a garlic press, you'll get a finer, smoother paste for garlic! =)
  • I love the idea of a weekly challenge as well! Maybe the challenge could be posted on weigh-in day? =)
  • Woo me too! hope it isn't too late to join! I'm 20 years old, a marine wife & mommy of a 14 month old. I'm currently attending college part-time for Vetrinary Assisting. I joined MFP a couple months ago & lost 6lbs so far! I won't log those onto our chart since I'm starting this today... SW: 204.2 GW: 184…
  • fried chicken =)