

  • It might be the wrong time of year for this recipe but its very yummy... 1 pkg. (2-layer size) Lemon cake mix 2 pkg. (3.4 oz. each) JELL-O Lemon Flavor Instant Pudding (fat free sugar free) 1/3 cup granulated sugar (you can try half splenda to cut cal. I haven't tried it yet that way) 2 cups cold milk 1-1/4 cups water 2…
  • about 3 years ago I had the same issue. I ended up calling the doctor cause it was WAY off for 3 or 4 months this is what she told me. She said that fat stores hormones so as you burn it your it released into your body thus causing your cycles to get all screwy! She also warned that "just because you aren't having one…
  • As long as your HR Monitor is accurate I would go with it. Machines are used over and over all day long with different people and different heartrates! I don't think they are calibrated correctly over time. So what I would do is check your HR manually, and then check it with the monitor, if the monitor is about the same go…
  • It is nice that we can still do this stuff even though we are thousand miles away from eachother. Now if only you could come here to go work out with :) Lets invent a teleporter!
    in Hello Comment by Kris1029 April 2010