TOM - ladies

crking Posts: 175
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Alright so it's the TOM and I am craving EVERYTHING. I was actually under my calorie goal for today but WAY over sodium because someone had to put pizza in my face and since I'm hungry for everything I ate it.. UGH. I feel like I'm 10lbs heavier too.. ugh..I hate feeling so sluggish. The fact that I work outside in the heat all day with a bunch of men doesn't help the situation either!!! What do you ladies do to calm your nerves or stop your cravings during this time?

Hope this wasn't a repeat topic, I looked but didn't find anything... I just needed somewhere to write my thoughts because cranky people today + my moodiness really made me crazy!!!!


  • 1godiva
    1godiva Posts: 5
    before i give into my craveings i start with a drink of water and wait a few minutes. sometimes it isn't food but water your body needs. then if the craving is still there i give it a reasonable portion of what it is calling for but i keep track of what it was and when i was needing it. i find that exercise makes me crave protein and i tend to want salt late in the day or when i am tired. i figure that makes sence because of all the exercising i am doing causeing the lost electrolytes and the needed muscle repair. i beleive that the cravings are hints that you need something in your diet that is out of proportion to what your currently eating. be sure to take a multivitamin to help with areas of nutritional imbalance.
  • CStranahan
    CStranahan Posts: 1
    That TOM really sucks for all of us. I feel the same exact way. The week before I feel like I want to eat everything. Just stay strong and if you fall off the wagon....just pick yourself up and get back in again!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    omgggg! i feel ur pain at the moment!

    soo TOM visited 2 days ago. i bought mike&ike's .. a bag of shelled roasted peanuts & pop corn lol.. and killed my calorie goal BIGTIME. so yesterday i controlled myself by starting off with a banana in the AM and a 3 & 1/2 mile run =]
    i felt better the rest of the day and way less hungry.
    i once read that if u beat the sluggish-ness and get active itll actually reverse the TOM feeling. & it worked.

    the cravings... well im trying to beat them with healthier options such as yogurt and fruits =]
    drink loads of water.

    feel better and good luck... =]
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    I was having the same issue all this week! I hate it!

    I posted a similar thread. Common response was to allow yourself to fulfill the craving, but in small amounts. Of course, I was craving chocolate! TOM is the only time I really want it. So I let myself have one or two mini peanut butter cups. It pretty much did the trick.

    I also found that getting in a good work out, which I did NOT want to do, for so many reasons.... made me feel a lot better. It made me thirsty and the additional water intake flushed the bloat out.

    My new favorite snack when I'm in these "moods" .... Starbucks skinny java chip frapp!!! only 200 calories!
  • I actually have a question about TOM and saw this post maybe someone can help me out...I am actually late, I have lost in total 9 lbs in 2 weeks, could that make your TOM late?? I KNOW I am not pregnant LOL..(god hope not lol not while I am on a roll LOL)..
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    I actually have a question about TOM and saw this post maybe someone can help me out...I am actually late, I have lost in total 9 lbs in 2 weeks, could that make your TOM late?? I KNOW I am not pregnant LOL..(god hope not lol not while I am on a roll LOL)..
    Any change in diet/exercise and/or rapid weight loss can send your cycle off balance. It took me a few cycles to regulate when I first started my weight loss journey, just give it time!!
  • Kris1029
    Kris1029 Posts: 6
    about 3 years ago I had the same issue. I ended up calling the doctor cause it was WAY off for 3 or 4 months this is what she told me. She said that fat stores hormones so as you burn it your it released into your body thus causing your cycles to get all screwy! She also warned that "just because you aren't having one doesn't mean you can't get prego" but I am sure you already know that!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I know diet pills and such are bad, but I found something that calms the cravings: Slim Quick drink mix, berry flavour. It leaves a "sweet" after taste and it curbs my cravings during TOM. I just got through mine earlier this week and during the entire process I only bloated 2 lbs from water weight (water weight disappears within a couple days normally). If I feel like I'm craving something sugary or salty especially, the drink mix helps a lot. I know this won't work all the time, so I also keep Orbit Mist gum on hand: it also seems to help with cravings that I know are uncalled for. Good luck - it gets better and easier the longer you tough it out :smile:
  • about 3 years ago I had the same issue. I ended up calling the doctor cause it was WAY off for 3 or 4 months this is what she told me. She said that fat stores hormones so as you burn it your it released into your body thus causing your cycles to get all screwy! She also warned that "just because you aren't having one doesn't mean you can't get prego" but I am sure you already know that!

    LOL Ive had two kids, I definitely know that LOL, well I meant I know I am not pregnant because me and my hubby still use protection...two is way more than enough for right now baby is like equivalent to taking care of 6 3 yr olds LOL...hes so energetic haha
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Water! Water! Water! I drink a couple of glasses of water when I find myself really craving something during TOM. It helps fill me up, then I let myself have something that I am craving. Since I feel full from the water I find that just a little of whatever I'm craving satisfies me, plus with all the extra water, I have hardly any bloat. This past TOM, I had 0 weight gain (no loss either) I really think it's because I pushed water! Good Luck!
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