

  • Spinning is a great workout and comes in handy if you don't like to bike in the rain or the dark (ie winter weekdays in Northern California). It can even help you add base miles if you ever decide to get into the real thing.
  • awesome info - thanks! I still need to clean up my diet before I start "zig-zagging" on purpose, but good to know that I'm not hurting myself by doing so.
  • "Toning" means you're already in shape, very close to your goal weight, but still don't quite look like Brad Pitt naked. It means no more cheesecake after your Kobe Beef burger at Cheesecake Factory. It means splitting most of your uber delicious restaurant meals in half in order to fit under the MFP calorie guidelines. It…
  • New to the board - will have to set a goal for next month, but here's this months stats from Garmin Connect Count: 9 Activities Distance: 270.01 mi Time: 20:10:31 h:m:s Elevation Gain: 12,017 ft Avg Speed: 13.4 mph Avg HR: 133 bpm Avg Run Cadence: -- Avg Bike Cadence: 67 rpm Calories: 16,479 C
  • Ab Wheels making a comeback? I'm seeing Ab Wheels in the gym and I've been wondering about their effectiveness. My current routine is 3 sets (50, 30, 20ish) on the incline Ab Bench followed by two sets on the Medicine Ball ab machine. Is the Wheel a better workout or will it work anything I'm not already hitting?
  • 175 actually does sound high for a sustained period of time, as that is going to be 80 - 90% of your max heart rate. Depending on the heart rate monitor you use, you can program in "training zones" or it will recommend zones based on your height, weight, age, etc. If you are just starting to do Cardio on a consistent…