


  • han38
    I joined the gym a month ago and after a couple of weeks decided to try a Spin class. I was really nervous as I'd heard so much about spin being hard that it almost had a mythical status! Anyway I braved it and went along to a 6am class - got there early and introduced myself to the instructor. I joked to him that he needed to know my name so he could tell it to the paramedics later! But really he just helped me set up the bike and got me sorted and it was all good!

    I have been about five times now and find it is definitely the best workout I get at the gym. I do a variety of other classes (step, kick, pump etc) but nothing matches spin for the cardio workout.

    So I'd say to anyone who wants to try it but feels intimidated - just do it! You can work at your own pace and there is nothing to be afraid of. Having said that, I still can't convince any of my friends I joined the gym with to come along!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    well you can buy it if you want to, but the point is you don't need to. you will be used to the saddle if you spin 3 times in 2 weeks.

    Just trying to save you money and laundry.


    I really appreciate it!!! Thank you!!!
  • seanoca1
    Spinning is a great workout and comes in handy if you don't like to bike in the rain or the dark (ie winter weekdays in Northern California). It can even help you add base miles if you ever decide to get into the real thing.
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    You may want to bring a padded seat with you in the beginning because your butt is going to hurt like never before. But I find this goes away after a few sessions. Even riding my real bike doesn't hurt as much as it used to because your muscles get used to riding on the saddle.