August Cycling Challenge: 150 miles, 1 month



  • 6Alsmom
    6Alsmom Posts: 40
    209 so far for the month. Going to have to push it this weekend to make my goal of 300.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm looking really good to finish strong.

    August Goal 200
    Week 1 52
    Week 2 42.5
    Week 3 69.5
    Total 164

    36 miles to go!
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    I had to take Monday off due to exhaustion. Should still reach my goal over the weekend.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    I'm not doing very well getting to the website every day. I do most of my MFP entries on my phone. Anyway, I kind of had an off week as I spent the weekend backpacking rather than doing my regular long rides. Still, I'm feeling pretty good these days.

    Last week: 143 miles
    Month Total: 584 miles

    Nothing wrong with the occasional switch-up. Still seems like you are tearing up the road though.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    zornig, thanks for the comment on my last century. I felt like it was a good ride. I worked pretty hard. I'm planning another one in a couple weeks. I'll be riding with a more leisurely group. I think that will be fun too.

    Sounds like you may not be getting the miles you want but you are getting faster. Maybe your life changes are behind you for a while. I wish I could go 1mph faster on every ride. I think it was Greg Lemond who said "Cycling never gets any easier. You only get faster." Good luck and take care.

    I began my cycling season in late March this year, after almost an entire year of no cycling due to a knee injury the previous spring. I was a bit demoralized at first: it was hard to do 10 miles, and it was hard to maintain a 14mph pace! I can't believe how much I've improved since March. Not only did I successfully complete my first century in July (at a pace over 16 mph the entire time), but I am now consistently riding at a 17.5 mph pace, and my last ride in Delaware was actually at 18.5 mph. I've never been this fast, even before my injury. So it makes missing my mileage goal this month a bit easier to take. I'm doing another century (in Florida) in November, riding with a group this time, so I'm really hoping for a sub-6 hour ride time. It's good to have goals :)
  • DurdenCycles
    DurdenCycles Posts: 27 Member

    I began my cycling season in late March this year, after almost an entire year of no cycling due to a knee injury the previous spring. I was a bit demoralized at first: it was hard to do 10 miles, and it was hard to maintain a 14mph pace! I can't believe how much I've improved since March. Not only did I successfully complete my first century in July (at a pace over 16 mph the entire time), but I am now consistently riding at a 17.5 mph pace, and my last ride in Delaware was actually at 18.5 mph. I've never been this fast, even before my injury. So it makes missing my mileage goal this month a bit easier to take. I'm doing another century (in Florida) in November, riding with a group this time, so I'm really hoping for a sub-6 hour ride time. It's good to have goals :)

    I know exactly how that demoralization feels. I had about a year and a half off the bike. When I started back I could never remember rides hurting so badly. But almost 2 years later I'm feeling as good as ever, just a little heavier. My only advice is to be patient and consistent. You will have a great ride in Florida. The wind can be a factor but a group will help with that. Sub-6 is very obtainable. One of my two fastest ever centuries was from Silver Springs to New Smyrna in 2007, 109 in 4:50, solo. Of course the wind took much of the credit. Do you know anything about the Seagull Century in Salisbury, MD? I've heard that ride is a lot of fun.
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Only a week to go...I can smell the barn.
  • seanoca1
    New to the board - will have to set a goal for next month, but here's this months stats from Garmin Connect

    Count: 9 Activities
    Distance: 270.01 mi
    Time: 20:10:31 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain: 12,017 ft
    Avg Speed: 13.4 mph
    Avg HR: 133 bpm
    Avg Run Cadence: --
    Avg Bike Cadence: 67 rpm
    Calories: 16,479 C
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Heading to Portland, Oregon tomorrow to bike across the state of Washington. I'm looking forward to it.

    Rode 9 miles today, bringing my monthly total to 551 miles for August.
  • stanley12345
    stanley12345 Posts: 12 Member
    carbonboy.. insane dude ! what bike are you riding and how much are you averaging in a day ?

    im about to finish 750 at my current rate
  • stanley12345
    stanley12345 Posts: 12 Member
    carbonboy.. insane dude ! what bike are you riding and how much are you averaging in a day ?

    im about to finish 750 at my current rate
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    9.8 today
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Heading to Portland, Oregon tomorrow to bike across the state of Washington. I'm looking forward to it.

    Rode 9 miles today, bringing my monthly total to 551 miles for August.

    wow!!!have a great ride!!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Only a week to go...I can smell the barn.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    sunny local loop, gentle breeze

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles - 14.29 to go

  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    16.3 Miles this morning. August total is 196. 54 more miles to hit my goal for the month. Hoping to get another 15-20 in tomorrow morning!

  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    carbonboy.. insane dude ! what bike are you riding and how much are you averaging in a day ?

    im about to finish 750 at my current rate

    I currently ride a Specialized Tarmac Pro SL. During the week my cummute to work is 37 miles roundtrip, and then I usually get about 100 on the weekends. Without riding to work I could never get that much mileage.

    Good job on the 750!!
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    I meant commute, not cummute.
  • mattellis2
    mattellis2 Posts: 152
    i am a piker in comparison to you guys. 22 miles tonight, 234 this month. work keeps getting in my way.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    11.16 today... almost home