August Cycling Challenge: 150 miles, 1 month



  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    6miles as part of a mini triathleon.... updates below
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4

    total for the mth 229.1:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    sorry i was missing week 1 totals::embarassed:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    sunny local loop

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 - 45.55 to go

  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Had a great week at the beach--including riding every day (but one, due to rain). Even with that, I'm nowhere near my goal for this month :( Oh well, I suppose it was a bit ambitious to increase my mileage goal in the month when I was moving. My main consolation is that this month I've been consistently averaging 1 mph faster on my rides. Guess I should have set a speed rather than mileage goal this month!
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I didn't do the 125. I did do the 100 with 4800 feet of climbing. I felt good and finished in 5:35. Ever heard the saying, "hot like GA asphalt ?" I experienced that today. I saw temps on the road of 107 degrees. I was able to spend about 4700 calories today. I sure hope everyone has a great cycling weekend, no matter what distance. Gotta go. I hear my friends, Ben and Jerry, calling. Been waiting a while for their call.

    Holy carp! That's an amazing century time, especially in that kind of heat. Way to go!
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    Update. 20 more miles tonight.

    173 for the week.
    338 for the month.

    Week 3: 169 miles. I was bad and skipped riding Friday... Otherwise it would have been 200ish.
    Month: 507 miles. Total for the month may be closer to 700 miles than the original goal of 600.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    17.42 miles this morning before work puts me at 179.79 miles for August towards my goal of 250. I also hit the 600 mile mark since I purchased my bike back during Memorial Day weekend. Having fun with my mountain bike, but seeing as all I am doing is street riding, starting to safe up and do my research on getting a road bike for next spring. Planning on joining my bro for the PAN OHIO HOPE RIDE next july which was 328 miles this past year over 4 days - definetly will need a road bike for that!

    Happy riding everyone!

  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Week 1 = 233
    Week 2 = 284
    Week 3 = 279

    Should reach my goal this coming week and have a day or two to spare.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Week 1 = 233
    Week 2 = 284
    Week 3 = 279

    Should reach my goal this coming week and have a day or two to spare.

    well done!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I am up to 218 miles for August. Was on vacation this past week, and rode around 30 miles/day for a total of 146 miles. Planning a long ride for next weekend. Will probably hit 300 this month.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 30 miles tonight; 517 miles for the month.

    Keep pedaling everyone...
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 15 miles this morning; 532 miles for August.

    Keep those pedals moving...
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Hey everyone. Just dropped another 36 miles this weekend. Set a new destination and the ride is a lot of fun. I went three times (Fri, Sat, Sun), each for 12 miles.

    Also I started Insanity this morning - so my legs are about to get an overhaul. Can't wait to see what it does to my biking challenges.

    Keep those peddles moving!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    sunny local loop

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles - 29.40 to go

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4

    total for the mth 229.1:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    sorry i was missing week 1 totals::embarassed:

    week 4: 20.1
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    10 more miles tonight; 542 for the month.
  • DurdenCycles
    DurdenCycles Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not doing very well getting to the website every day. I do most of my MFP entries on my phone. Anyway, I kind of had an off week as I spent the weekend backpacking rather than doing my regular long rides. Still, I'm feeling pretty good these days.

    Last week: 143 miles
    Month Total: 584 miles
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    10.34 today... updated ticker below

    On track to make the 150
  • DurdenCycles
    DurdenCycles Posts: 27 Member

    Holy carp! That's an amazing century time, especially in that kind of heat. Way to go!

    zornig, thanks for the comment on my last century. I felt like it was a good ride. I worked pretty hard. I'm planning another one in a couple weeks. I'll be riding with a more leisurely group. I think that will be fun too.

    Sounds like you may not be getting the miles you want but you are getting faster. Maybe your life changes are behind you for a while. I wish I could go 1mph faster on every ride. I think it was Greg Lemond who said "Cycling never gets any easier. You only get faster." Good luck and take care.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    8.36 this am... updated banner