vidchick73 Member


  • I love Zumba! I highly recommend a class vs game based. If is designed to be interval training so it fluctuates from fast paced to slower. It's an excellent way to burn calories. I have about 50# to lose and I burn about 700 cal in an hour. Also, I found after the first couple classes, that wall I would hit around the 20…
  • I made some kale chips a while back and was surprised at how good they were. I also used to be weird about squash but find I love sautéed squash. I chop it up, sautée in olive oil, put the lid on to steam and soften it some, then remove lid, crank up the heat and get some brown on the edges. It adds a little crunch. I also…
  • I always measure cooked because that is what my dietician said.
  • I like it in quesadillas. Also, I'm sure it would be great in like a veggie lasagna made with sliced squash or eggplant vs noodles.
  • Do you have your fitbit profile set up correctly? Double check the profile and make sure the height/weight settings are correct. The more you weigh, the more you burn. I think most devices have a default weight of like 150 or something. My FB was always a little weird at times, especially when I did stuff at home,…
  • Wow! What an amazing difference! I can definitely see difference. Btw, you have gorgeous eyes. :-) and what a beautiful family, the perfect reason to be motivated.
  • I've never been a huge veggie person but I'm really enjoying sauteed squash these days. I do peel it (zucchini or yellow) and chop it up. Add in some onions, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, cover and let it steam a bit. AFter they're soft, I kick the heat up and let them brown a bit to get the sugars going and a little…
  • I'm doing low carb/high protein to get that ketosis thing going but my carb intake is managed with shakes and limited vegetables daily. The way the dietician explained it to me is that the first few days there might be some problems, headaches, tired, etc. On day 1, I did have a few headaches but nothing that I needed to…
  • Congratulations! I am so happy for you. It's amazing how sensitive you will become to smoke now. Keep up the good work, keep making those great choices for your health and for everyone around you.
  • Oh wow, that's amazing! Your hips and back look awesome! I would love to lose the back fat. :)
  • I'm going to bookmark this and keep coming back when I need inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • Hi Chelle! I have about 60 I want to lose. I'm not in SD now but I used to live in North County and PB. I'm on the east coast but man, I sure wish I could move back west. I refuse to die in this heat and humidity we have here.
  • Hi and Welcome! I'm 10 years older but I've never had weight hang around like it is these days. Having kids changes everything, hormones are a ***** and dropping the weight really is a challenge. Best of luck! I have about 60 that I want to lose myself so we can cheer each other on. :)
  • I can't provide any personal testimony because I just started my weight loss journey, but I was just at a seminar last night that is part of my medical weight loss program and one thing stood out to me. The certified exercise physiologists stated that if you have been steady for a few weeks, it's time to mix up the…
  • I'm coming up on 39 and looking to lose about 50-60. I have 2 little ones at home and just now feel like I have a handle on life that I can devote time to my job, my family, and my health.
  • I'm 5'8 so I guess taller than most but not as tall as you. I am over 200 and would like to lose about 60 or so. Shopping the plus size section is getting really old. Last week I started a medical weight loss program with meal replacements. The first week wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I'm down 5.5 lbs. I'm…
  • Congratulations and job well done! I was close to that same weight when I was pregnant and just now started seriously fighting to get it off. You're so inspiring to me since I'm just now starting my journey. Thank you for sharing.
  • I'm no longer in OH but I'm a Buckeye through and through!
  • I'm doing protein shakes through a weight loss program. The closest I have found with the fewest calories that tastes decent is the Pure Protein. It has 130 calories per serving and 25 grams of protein. I tried the vanilla and didn't really care for it but I do like the cookies & cream, which I had to order from Amazon.…
  • Hi, I'm Nita and just re-activated my MFP account. I'm Mommy to 2 boys, live in Fairfax & work full time in Herndon. Trying to have timely and healthy dinners is always a challenge as is finding time for the gym with 2 little ones. I also have a FitBitUltra that I am hoping to sync with MFP to track my activity and adjust…