

  • Search images of the movie for the character named Magenta - she wears something with a bit of a sleeve if I remember right. Or search images of the movie's entire cast - maybe you'll find a look that dares and inspires you. No matter what, you should go - this is the only life you get.
  • I think genetics play a part - some people get brown eyes and "skinny" metabolisms - some people get poor vision and lots of acne - some get a genetic predisposition to being "overweight" or going bald or whatever. Everybody's got to fight/accept/deal with something they were just plain born with. I'm one of those "lucky"…
  • It calls to me. Wakes me in the night. I hear it, standing there in the fresh fruit section of the grocery store, my hand testing an apple's firmness, I hear it... first softly, like a distant soothing wave. Suddenly its more crushing, slapping against my senses. I'm enveloped now, its smell, its texture,...the apple…