eLLe2008 Member


  • Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Guess when my husband gets home he'll be making me do the "military routine", including running...or so he thinks! :) lol DanieLLe
  • Congratulations!!! But may I ask how in the world are you losing that dreaded "back fat"?! And I have this ugly looking bulge :grumble: between my armpit and where the bra lands....any ideas?! lol DanieLLe
  • I worked out for an hour & burned 1300 calories. :) Now if only I could find a happy medium where I'm not getting too many/too few calories for intake per day! Aghh... DanieLLe
  • lol Thanks! Great advice :) I've been stressing out about this for the past week and a half! DanieLLe
  • ...you go to the doctors, step on the scale, and notice you're 12 pounds heavier than what your scale at home says?? I asked my doctor about it and she said, "don't worry about it, just stick with one scale because every scale is going to be different". So now I'm confused as to if I weigh 159 or 166! And I worked my butt…
  • I've been exercising since April and have lost almost 45 pounds. :) I tried exercising Mon-Sun every week...started out at 15 min on the elliptical and now it's an hour. Now that I'm getting down to where I want to be I am letting Sundays be my "relaxation" days, but still doing the hour every day that I work out. Also,…
  • ha I am right there with you!!! It's been about two weeks since I've lost anything...but I also just received the bc shot & this hunger thing is killing me! I guess at least I haven't gained any more... How did you lose your weight, if I may ask? I'm cutting down on calorie intake & exercising a little harder to get back…
  • Thank you!
  • Hi, my name is Danielle. I've heard about this site through the grapevine & have decided to try it out! If only I would've known about it eight months ago. :) I have already gone down 6 pants sizes, and almost 45 pounds!! My original plan was to "be skinny" by the time my husband comes home from deployment, but I've since…