

  • I hear ya. I do a core pilates on a ball and I have no idea what I am burning either!
  • I do it and I just talked to the doctor yesterday about it because some people on MFP have told me to ALWAYS eat my calories and replace my exercise calories. She said not to replace the exercise calories and if I am under like 300 calories and I'm full not to worry about it. It doesn't put your body in starvation mode. I…
  • 2 pounds in 4 days! That's awesome. Better than me (Only 1 pound in a week) It's a slow process and you have to hang in there. I'm already feeling better since I have been working out and I feel a little less flabby and I have more energy! Just remember it takes time but it is totally worth it!:happy:
  • Wow, well I guess I can eat alot more than I was, which is great! I always thought the less the better so if I didn't eat 400 calories I thought I was doing good. Guess not! Thanks for all the support guys! I really appreciate it! :bigsmile:
  • Ok I am new to this also (I've never dieted) so I am supposed to eat all my calories? Even to be a little under (like 300) is bad? And if I exercise I should replace those lost calories? Guess I need help to! :smile:
  • I don't like counting calories either but I had been doing the "just watching what I ate thing" for awhile before starting this and I wasn't doing as good as I thought I was! I think counting has been keeping me on track. I think if you just want to manage your weight the "keeping track" thing is good but not if you want…
  • I would much rather walk outside but it is getting cold and dark to early. I just got a treadmill 2 weeks ago. I watch TV when I am on mine. It makes the time go faster. But I totally agree with you, I hated them at the gym when someone was next to me. Plus now you can workout in your underwear in the comfort of your own…
  • Howdy!
    in Hello! Comment by jen_huff October 2008
  • I would be pissed. A good husband should be supportive and NEVER tell you your fat. And I could MAYBE be a little more understanding if it was like 80 lbs or something but 5-10 come on! He probably has lost 50 to 100 hairs on his head since you got married. (joking) I mean is he so perfect that he can pick others faults, I…
  • Hi everybody. I have just joined the site today. I have set my mind and I am determined to lose this weight! I was always a thinner person but about 2 years ago my doctors put me on a new anti depressant (I have panic disorder) and I gained about 30 pounds in 3 months. I have since changed that medicine and I am on a…