Ok I need HELP!!

msblondy16 Posts: 119
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So first of all, I am in the science world and tend to overthink, overanalyze, and overcalculate just about every aspect of my life.

So of course I have placed this obsessive talent on my weight loss efforts, leading me to actually wake up in the middle of the night in a panic about calorie deficits and losing the weight I want in my time period. I mean I am actually losing sleep over this!

Can someone please give me their personal testimonial on how eating their exercise cals helped them lose weight? I am TERRIFIED to eat too much and exercise a lot so I am always under by at least 500 a day. I know that it's bad, but I seriously have nightmares over this. I want to lose weight in a healthy way, yes, but I need it to come off as soon as possible. On Dec. 10th I am visiting my boyfriend/family in the States for the first time in 6 months and I need to look great!

YES YES YES I have read all of the posts one thousand times (sorry, no offense to anyone). I just need reassurance I think...

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • So first of all, I am in the science world and tend to overthink, overanalyze, and overcalculate just about every aspect of my life.

    So of course I have placed this obsessive talent on my weight loss efforts, leading me to actually wake up in the middle of the night in a panic about calorie deficits and losing the weight I want in my time period. I mean I am actually losing sleep over this!

    Can someone please give me their personal testimonial on how eating their exercise cals helped them lose weight? I am TERRIFIED to eat too much and exercise a lot so I am always under by at least 500 a day. I know that it's bad, but I seriously have nightmares over this. I want to lose weight in a healthy way, yes, but I need it to come off as soon as possible. On Dec. 10th I am visiting my boyfriend/family in the States for the first time in 6 months and I need to look great!

    YES YES YES I have read all of the posts one thousand times (sorry, no offense to anyone). I just need reassurance I think...

    Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I have lost 33 pounds by watching my calories, exercising, eating all my calories, and having 1 free day a week where I eat more than my allotted calories. It works, but you have to keep at it. Try to get in all your calories even if in the evening you have extra and you have to eat a snack to use them. Try a PBJ sandwich with a glass of milk or PB with apples.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I have lost 33 pounds by watching my calories, exercising, eating all my calories, and having 1 free day a week where I eat more than my allotted calories. It works, but you have to keep at it. Try to get in all your calories even if in the evening you have extra and you have to eat a snack to use them. Try a PBJ sandwich with a glass of milk or PB with apples.

    ditto. I always eat my excercise calories.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    By not eating your exercise calories, you are risking valuable muscle mass, not eating these calories, is starving your body. Don't forget that if you're not eating these calories your body will start to eat away at valuable muscle - and that's not a good idea at all.

    Bedsides, if you lose weight too quickly, it will come back twice as quick, so the long haul is the best road to take.

    I always make sure I eat my exercise calories, and I've lost 24lbs in 2 months - so it obviously works, but you have to keep in there.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I have lost 33 pounds by watching my calories, exercising, eating all my calories, and having 1 free day a week where I eat more than my allotted calories. It works, but you have to keep at it. Try to get in all your calories even if in the evening you have extra and you have to eat a snack to use them. Try a PBJ sandwich with a glass of milk or PB with apples.

    ditto. I always eat my excercise calories.

    Ditto, ditto....

    My issues weren't OVEREATING all the time....but not eating enough for my body to function...which is why everything I put in my mouth was held onto. I'd workout for 4 hours a day and only eat 1200 calories.... I basically was starving my body due to the activity level I was maintaining.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have lost 33 pounds by watching my calories, exercising, eating all my calories, and having 1 free day a week where I eat more than my allotted calories. It works, but you have to keep at it. Try to get in all your calories even if in the evening you have extra and you have to eat a snack to use them. Try a PBJ sandwich with a glass of milk or PB with apples.

    ditto. I always eat my excercise calories.

    Double ditto.
    43lbs gone.
    I eat every last exercise calorie. Sometimes I even go over my allotted daily calories (usually by less than 100). Still losing...

    :laugh: Oops, Bunny beat me to the ditto!! I'm a triple ditto now!!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    You can never have enough dittos. :laugh:

    Also....you may just want to chill and not obsess so much about this...
    I mean, I know that is easier said then done but you are just going to hinder yourself rather then help yourself reach your goals.
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member

    I've heard that eatting the calories is alot better for you too!
  • Ok I am new to this also (I've never dieted) so I am supposed to eat all my calories? Even to be a little under (like 300) is bad? And if I exercise I should replace those lost calories? Guess I need help to! :smile:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    What part of the science world are you in?

    I'm in exercise science but I love physiology like little girls love ponies. :bigsmile:

    I second what everyone else said. MFP builds in a 500 calorie deficit so you don't have to do the math.
  • mellymlk
    mellymlk Posts: 187
    Ok I am new to this also (I've never dieted) so I am supposed to eat all my calories? Even to be a little under (like 300) is bad? And if I exercise I should replace those lost calories? Guess I need help to! :smile:

  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds. It would have been more, but this website inspired me to not just lose weight, but to be fit. Only 12 pounds? Size 12 jeans to a size 6 in just over three months. And I'm more toned. I don't hate mirrors nearly as much anymore. Don't panic if you plateau, your body is "remodeling" for the weight loss to come.

    Jen-300 calories is not a little. Sorry. It is 15% of an average woman's recommended intake. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. And this site isn't so much a diet, as assistance in changing an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.

  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds. It would have been more, but this website inspired me to not just lose weight, but to be fit. Only 12 pounds? Size 12 jeans to a size 6 in just over three months. And I'm more toned. I don't hate mirrors nearly as much anymore. Don't panic if you plateau, your body is "remodeling" for the weight loss to come.

    Jen-300 calories is not a little. Sorry. It is 15% of an average woman's recommended intake. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. And this site isn't so much a diet, as assistance in changing an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.


    Ditto again!
    If you don't exercise you want to eat EVERY calorie.
    If you work out you want to eat EVERY calorie (some eat only slightly less...no MORE then 100 less than what is recommended). Did that make sense?
    MFP has already done the math to LOSE weight, with both scenarios.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    i have eaten exercise calories and lost weight. It happens gradually but its worth it all.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds. It would have been more, but this website inspired me to not just lose weight, but to be fit. Only 12 pounds? Size 12 jeans to a size 6 in just over three months. And I'm more toned. I don't hate mirrors nearly as much anymore. Don't panic if you plateau, your body is "remodeling" for the weight loss to come.

    Jen-300 calories is not a little. Sorry. It is 15% of an average woman's recommended intake. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. And this site isn't so much a diet, as assistance in changing an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.


    Ditto again!
    If you don't exercise you want to eat EVERY calorie.
    If you work out you want to eat EVERY calorie (some eat only slightly less...no MORE then 100 less than what is recommended). Did that make sense?
    MFP has already done the math to LOSE weight, with both scenarios.

    Double ditto
  • Ok I am going to try my very hardest to eat my exercise cals!!! Thank you all for being so supportive and helpful!! :happy:

    P.S. I am in the molecular biology portion of the biology work. I am currently working on my PhD and my research area is molecular and cellular basis of cancer and aneuploidy disorders (like Down's). I'm a nerd! I treat my little yeast cells like my children! Right now they are not behaving and are requiring literally 48 hours straight of work... but I do love it!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds. It would have been more, but this website inspired me to not just lose weight, but to be fit. Only 12 pounds? Size 12 jeans to a size 6 in just over three months. And I'm more toned. I don't hate mirrors nearly as much anymore. Don't panic if you plateau, your body is "remodeling" for the weight loss to come.

    Jen-300 calories is not a little. Sorry. It is 15% of an average woman's recommended intake. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. And this site isn't so much a diet, as assistance in changing an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.


    Ditto again!
    If you don't exercise you want to eat EVERY calorie.
    If you work out you want to eat EVERY calorie (some eat only slightly less...no MORE then 100 less than what is recommended). Did that make sense?
    MFP has already done the math to LOSE weight, with both scenarios.

    Double ditto

    Double dippity dog ditto-- nyah. :tongue:

    30 pounds gone, exercise calories.
  • mellymlk
    mellymlk Posts: 187
    I feel so much better now that I know your supposed to eat your exercise calories. I would go into them and feel like I exercised for nothing. I thought if you eat your exercise calories your only going to maintain your weight and not lose. Good to know thankx
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I feel so much better now that I know your supposed to eat your exercise calories. I would go into them and feel like I exercised for nothing. I thought if you eat your exercise calories your only going to maintain your weight and not lose. Good to know thankx

    Somedays I would almost DIE without my exercise calories! :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ok I am going to try my very hardest to eat my exercise cals!!! Thank you all for being so supportive and helpful!! :happy:

    P.S. I am in the molecular biology portion of the biology work. I am currently working on my PhD and my research area is molecular and cellular basis of cancer and aneuploidy disorders (like Down's). I'm a nerd! I treat my little yeast cells like my children! Right now they are not behaving and are requiring literally 48 hours straight of work... but I do love it!!


    I am SOoooOOOo jealous--can't wait for grad school! I graduate this year but I have to pick up some more classes before I apply to VCU. Darn liberal arts undergrad doesn't do anything to prepare you...:grumble: I'm planning on a PhD too. Are you going to stay in research? I'd like to go into teaching undergrad.

    Sorry I hijacked your thread. :blushing:
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