

  • I've been gluten free for a little over a year now -- It gets easy I swear!!! I do recall standing in the aisles of the grocery store during the first few weeks, and being brought to tears about how much was going to have to change (and I'm usually really great about change!) And over how restricted I felt.... I am now a…
  • I would try cutting down on the meat intake (bacon, beef) and go for the leaner proteins until you're at your goal weight. Once you're at your goal weight it's easier to just go free paleo (from what I've read - not at goal weight yet myself) and stay trim. But just eating paleo isn't always enough to lose weight right…
  • Thanks, I will! I have a gut feeling (pun not so intentional..) that I should go entirely grain free, or at least mostly. But I am looking for good literature to back it up. So I'll look into that, thanks!
  • Focus on being healthy instead of being attractive. It will put you in a better mindset, and your body will thank you for it. You dont want to eat macdonalds! Young guys who eat macdonals and still look great are in for a world of trouble in 5-10 years. It's not worth it. Focus on health and happiness, and your body will…
  • How long did it take you to notice a difference? Do you find a difference in your energy levels? I have been gluten free for a little over three months now, and this past month has been great. The more I read, the more I am being convinced that all grains should go... I think I'll stick with the dairy, but the less…
  • Start doing cardio that isn't hitting the pavement. Start with swimming and ellipticals because they will work your cardio without putting pressure on your joints. Then move on to a treadmill. I find that a treadmill is way easier on you body to run on than the pavement. Good for you!!