

  • Water fasting seems very unadvisible for that long of a period of time. Your body requires the nutrients it recieves through the food you consume... which also provides water in its own right. Consuming large amounts of water will detox not only the bad toxins but also the good ones. You are sending your body into a…
  • I love weight training and incorporating that in to my workouts. My husband is huge in to weight training and he motivates me to stay with it. I by no means look anything like this but I may certainly make this a goal :) Building that lean muscle aids in burning fat... seems to be a win-win. As long as you are healthy…
  • Find the motivational support that you are looking for. I work on a labor and delivery unit with an amazing group of women who range in age. In support of our one girlfriend we all jumped on the band wagon to better lifestyles. We absolutley LOVE this website and all of the resources because it makes you feel responsible…