

  • If you click on "CHECK IN" on the left of your Home Page, you will see it says "Weight" as well as measurements of "Neck, Waist and Hips" This is where you can log it all in, and then each week go back and compare from your last measurements. I do mine once a week when I weight myself first thing in the morning. I use the…
  • OOOooohhhh SPINACH noodles?!?! I've always wanted to find a healthier subsitute for pasta but can't stand the taste of whole wheat noodles.....i never thought of spinach noodles! Where can you find this? The only thing I can think of are the tri-color twisty noodles........I'll have to check out the "healthy" corner of…
  • Very interesting....where did you hear about this? I'll give it a try :drinker:
  • Not sure what you meant by "Is your TOM close?" But as far as all of your other questions go, I did everything right! Even down to the same scale, time of day and lack of clothing! But, I will say however, that my muscles were SO COMPLETELY sore from starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. So that could have been the 4…
  • Is it normal to gain weight in the begining?? Today has officially been one week since I started on here, and my first weigh-in. (I used to be one of those people who jumped on the scale every time i went to the you can imagine how hard it was to wait an entire WEEK before getting on the scale!!) But, to my…