Question about taking measurements

I did not take measurements when I first started so I want to do that now so I can keep track.

1. For woman...what exactly do you take measures of?


2. Does it matter what time you measure. Should it be first thing in the morning like when you weigh yourself or does it not matter?(prob a silly question)


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I measure my waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves and biceps.
  • xdudeitsliz
    xdudeitsliz Posts: 38
    your skin is the tightest when you first wake up, it would also be the best time to weigh and take pictures if you are doing pictures. Just a suggestion :)
  • BoSox0407
    BoSox0407 Posts: 9
    I did not take measurements when I first started so I want to do that now so I can keep track.

    1. For woman...what exactly do you take measures of?


    2. Does it matter what time you measure. Should it be first thing in the morning like when you weigh yourself or does it not matter?(prob a silly question)

    If you click on "CHECK IN" on the left of your Home Page, you will see it says "Weight" as well as measurements of "Neck, Waist and Hips" This is where you can log it all in, and then each week go back and compare from your last measurements. I do mine once a week when I weight myself first thing in the morning. I use the same measuring tape when I do this as well. Those are the only three things they have to track and I haven't found an option to add or change it like you can with "calories, fat, sodium, etc..." But I also like to keep track of my THIGHS as well!! :bigsmile:

    Good Luck!!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    I take my measurements in the morning of my weigh in. Even though MFP only requires waist, hips & neck(?) I also keep a record of under the bust, thighs & upper arms. You can take a measurement of your bust too but we all know we're going to lose it there no matter what, right! <g>

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    For me, I measure bust, waist, hips, thighs and arms. I take my measurements in the AM after my weigh in. Consistency is key.
  • becky123456
    becky123456 Posts: 75 Member
    To change body areas to measure -- go to "check in" on your home tab... under the measurement boxes, there is a link that says "change measurements". If you click this link, you should be able to add or delete for your personal preferences.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I use to check my measurements every week now I check every two week. I measure bust, waist, abs, hips, bottom and lower thighs, and arms. I also take them in the morning after using the bathroom.
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    When I was on WW I tried tracking measurements but they varied so much from week to week I didn't see the point. I cant measure the same exact spot on my body unless I'm writing on myself w/ a permanent marker. I just go by the scale & my cloths.

    It would be great if I could measure properly but I even had trouble holding the tape by myself so I find it a hassle & don't bother anymore but that's just me.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm measured:

    - Bust
    - Abs/Stomach
    - Arms
    - Waist
    - Hips
    - Thighs
    - Calves

    I agree, it'd be best to do it in the morning, when you're weighing - don't measure as often as you weigh. Maybe every 2 wks to a month.