seebs079 Member


  • Awesome summary of everything I have also come to believe over my journey as well. I will be sharing this post with the n00bs that I've been recruiting to MyFitnessPal. Some people may disagree with your point about being exact with your calorie counting. For example, some people do not want to be bothered recording the…
  • At risk of opening up the 'Aspartame is evil' debate, I've found that Crystal Light has completely removed my cravings for soda pop or other sugary drinks. And it's only 10 calories for 2 cups of "juice"!
  • My name is Josh, and I also like to party. :wink: Besides fruits and veggies, I like snacking on almonds. I'm currently eating unsalted because I'm trying to watch my sodium intake. But from what I've read, almonds are one of the most nutrition nuts in terms of high protein and other good stuff. I find that a handful of…
  • Cambridge, Ontario, CANADA! :wink:
  • Congrats and good luck!