stinehur Member


  • Hi! Starting day 1 of keto today!
  • So...I was wondering, do you guys mean 1200 net calories or 1200 raw? I work out about 400-500 calories a day and then eat around 1600 calories to make my net around 11-1200 and just wanted to clarify what you guys meant. Thanks!
  • It'll be okay! One slip up every once a while, although it's not great, won't break all of the work you've done! YOU CAN DO IT! Just remind yourself of why you're making these changes and that always helps me keep on track. And also it is important to let yourself know that you're only human and deserve a (small) treat…
  • Good luck! What I do is I'll bring snacks such as listed above (almonds, apples, etc.) and then go to the library or the coffee shop and DON'T BRING ANY MONEY. because then you don't have the opportunity to tempt yourself with anything else. And then you're saving some money too :)
  • Great job! :) Keep up all of the hard work! We all know losing weight is no easy task :(
  • haha true.
  • YOU LOOK GREAT! AND HAPPY :D Congrats on all of your hard work. It's really hard so MAJOR props go out to you :)
  • NAME: Michelle AGE: 21 HEIGHT: 5'3" START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 177 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 150 START PANTS SIZE: 13 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 9 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: counting calories, NOT eating out. DIET GOALS: cooking more, eating fewer processed foods, reducing meat intake EXERCISE GOALS: to run a 5k in under…