eating right working out but not losing any weight

The first week I joined I lost 5 lbs. The next 2 weeks no weight loss. I work out 5 days a week doing strength training and cardio. I have lost 2 inches in my waist . What am I doing wrong. Would love to here from you. I am eating my 1200 calories a day.


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    I am eating my 1200 calories a day

    Eat more, especially after 5 days a week of strength training + cardio.
  • dudleyclan
    dudleyclan Posts: 41 Member
    thank you.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I am eating my 1200 calories a day

    Eat more, especially after 5 days a week of strength training + cardio.

    You need to fuel your body to lose. Set your goal to no more than 1.5 per week, eat back exercise and you will get results.
    5 pounds in 3 weeks is still great progress, and you have lost inches too :-)
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    eat more
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    The first week I joined I lost 5 lbs. The next 2 weeks no weight loss. I work out 5 days a week doing strength training and cardio. I have lost 2 inches in my waist . What am I doing wrong. Would love to here from you. I am eating my 1200 calories a day.

    If you've lost 2 inches from your waist then you're not doing anything wrong! Sounds like you lost fat and gained muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat, speeds up your metabolism, burns calories while you sleep and makes you look firm and toned. You want muscle. If you lost 2 inches round your waist, then that sounds like you lost fat. Don't focus only on the scale it can be misleading.

    Re the calories, are you measuring everything accurately? You might really be eating more than 1200 cals.
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    I started working out 1/2 hour a day 5-6 days a week with 1200 calories a day. Lost inches but only about 1 lb every ten days. I upped my calories to 1350 to 1400 and Since then have been losing at least 1 lb per week. I'm 5'2" and 43 yrs old.
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    I know that feeling. Stick with your workouts and eat more.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Never thought I would say this :) but if you are doing that much training, you need more than 1200 calories. Do not get me wrong... I got to my goal with a net of 1200 a day, but once I kicked up the training to burn 400+ calories a day, I ate more because I was HUNGRY!!!

    So, my advice is listen to your body. If you are training hard, 1st, incorporate a protein shake every day after workout. That will add 200-300 calories.

    If you are still hungry, EAT... Just not what I ate today :(

    A lean steak and sweet potato always fed me right and kept me motivated.
  • dudleyclan
    dudleyclan Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you I will try that eating more. I am 45.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    The first week I joined I lost 5 lbs. The next 2 weeks no weight loss. I work out 5 days a week doing strength training and cardio. I have lost 2 inches in my waist . What am I doing wrong. Would love to here from you. I am eating my 1200 calories a day.

    If you've lost 2 inches from your waist then you're not doing anything wrong! Sounds like you lost fat and gained muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat, speeds up your metabolism, burns calories while you sleep and makes you look firm and toned. You want muscle. If you lost 2 inches round your waist, then that sounds like you lost fat. Don't focus only on the scale it can be misleading.

    Re the calories, are you measuring everything accurately? You might really be eating more than 1200 cals.

    It's pretty much impossible to build muscle at a deficit, especially such a large one so it's highly unlikely that op has gained muscle. Weight training will help maintain existing muscle but there won't be much difference in only 2 weeks. Inch loss around the waist in the first 2 weeks is probably water weight.
    The only way to truly check if fat rather than muscle is being lost is by regular body fat / lean mass checks.
  • dudleyclan
    dudleyclan Posts: 41 Member
    thanks for the advice.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    The first week I joined I lost 5 lbs. The next 2 weeks no weight loss. I work out 5 days a week doing strength training and cardio. I have lost 2 inches in my waist . What am I doing wrong. Would love to here from you. I am eating my 1200 calories a day.

    If you've lost 2 inches from your waist then you're not doing anything wrong! Sounds like you lost fat and gained muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat, speeds up your metabolism, burns calories while you sleep and makes you look firm and toned. You want muscle. If you lost 2 inches round your waist, then that sounds like you lost fat. Don't focus only on the scale it can be misleading.

    Re the calories, are you measuring everything accurately? You might really be eating more than 1200 cals.

    It's pretty much impossible to build muscle at a deficit, especially such a large one so it's highly unlikely that op has gained muscle. Weight training will help maintain existing muscle but there won't be much difference in only 2 weeks. Inch loss around the waist in the first 2 weeks is probably water weight.
    The only way to truly check if fat rather than muscle is being lost is by regular body fat / lean mass checks.

    Not going to argue with that if she really is eating that much below TDEE... but what I've seen on other fitness websites, is where someone is not measuring accurately, and they may be eating 20-25% more calories than they think, and this is a common reason for beginners to not lose in early weeks. A relatively small built woman can gain lean body mass and lose fat on 1600 cals/day while exercising, in the early days of a new diet/fitness programme, i.e. beginner gains. (beginners find it a lot easier to gain muscle, i.e. going from sedentary to exercising, even at a deficit)

    I'm not saying it *is* that, just that it's a possibility to consider.
  • In my experience when I'm not losing it's because I'm lying to myself about portion sizes and eating too much or I'm trying to scrape by on 1200 or less calories and killing my metabolism. If you really truly know you are eating exactly what you think you are at 1200 and you aren't losing then you need to bump up your calorie goal and definitely eat back at least some of your exercise calories.
  • stinehur
    stinehur Posts: 8 Member
    So...I was wondering, do you guys mean 1200 net calories or 1200 raw? I work out about 400-500 calories a day and then eat around 1600 calories to make my net around 11-1200 and just wanted to clarify what you guys meant. Thanks!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    So...I was wondering, do you guys mean 1200 net calories or 1200 raw? I work out about 400-500 calories a day and then eat around 1600 calories to make my net around 11-1200 and just wanted to clarify what you guys meant. Thanks!

    1200 net. If you are eating back exercise yu are doing it right :-)