i need help:(

hey everyone...the thing is i have a really difficult(at least for me) spanish exam in less than a month n combined with my university exams im under a lotta pressure,so i get really few hours of sleep and i dont know if thats at all relevant but i keep overeating,its really nerve racking to keep track of my weight loss considering my current condition...any suggestions?


  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    Your stress eating and thats really common. You need to remove yourself from situations where you have unhealthy food. Where are you studying? if its in your room/house, you need to stop bringing unhealthy food into the house.

    Keep almonds, fruit, water and gum on your desk. You can do this!

    Add me as a buddy!
  • SuCcERBuNcH
    SuCcERBuNcH Posts: 68 Member
    am just like you when it get to study i eat all the time but they told me that i can eat crackers with low cal or something like that try it
    it helpful and drink alot of water so your stomach will full
    good luck with the exams
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I overeat under two conditions (okay, 3):

    1) When I'm tired
    2) When I'm dehydrated
    3) When I've been drinking

    If any of these apply, don't drink alcohol, drink lots of water, and when you start wanting to munch, go to bed. Get some rest... you're probably not studying very effectively when you're bagged anyway.
  • stinehur
    stinehur Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck! What I do is I'll bring snacks such as listed above (almonds, apples, etc.) and then go to the library or the coffee shop and DON'T BRING ANY MONEY. because then you don't have the opportunity to tempt yourself with anything else. And then you're saving some money too :)
  • thanks u guys:) ill try
  • kellyo15
    kellyo15 Posts: 51
    Good luck on your exams!
    I'm basically a professional student at this point and I always change my goal around exam time to just maintaining my weight and not gaining because I eat horribly! The best thing to do is make time for exercise, it'll clear your head and help you diffuse some of that stress. Also, drink lots of water while you're studying, you'll be less likely to overeat. Best of luck, I just finished my finals last Friday :)
  • rodakowe
    rodakowe Posts: 20
    Your problem is completely understandable! I'm a college student and it's final week as well. I actually should be studying right now haha *procrastination* but anyway I pull a lot of all nighters. It's really hard to stay under my calorie goal when I do especially because I tend to not exercise on those days because I have too much studying to do. When I'm at the library I find it particularly hard because they don't offer many healthy options in the vending machines

    That said coffee is always an option because it doesn't have many calories, keeps you up, and fills you up! But not the super caloric ones at starbucks, that said starbucks has a lot of options under 200 calories.
    A lot of people think sugar keeps them up, which it does, but if you eat protein and fiber it keeps you more awake, give your brain the right energy, and keeps you fuller for longer. So eating healthy while you're staying up late is your best option I think.
    Veggies are great to munch on when you're studying because they're low in cals and high in fiber!
  • hmm really experienced in the studying area arent u?:D