

  • I am a huge vegetable fanatic! I found sweet potatoes, cabbage and feta cheese go super good together! Also I like to mix up dried cranberries, garbanzo beans and feta cheese! That is also muy bueno! :)
  • I definitely know how you are feeling! This is the first time in my whole life they I have stayed consistent dieting for three months in a row! I would usually just throw in the towel after I started looking good and then I would gain back all the weight! I have kept the weight off for almost a month now and I feel so much…
  • Hi Denise! I used to be 207 and I have just hit 129 I am so excited and you CAN do it! I started slow with walking and watching what you eat! Good luck I find that searching forums and talking with people about it really keeps me motivated! :) Good luck!
  • Try hard not to set yourself up for failure! I have gotten stuck in this trap so many times and it makes it that much harder to get back on track! Don't be to hard on yourself and take one day at a time!
  • You know it is really bad when you start mixing the peanut butter into the ice cream! :love:
  • I agree with the peanut butter comment! I will put peanut butter on anything! I have gone as far as making peanut butter and maple syrup sandwiches when I am out of Jelly! Or else I will wake up in the middle of the night and eat a spoonful of the stuff! Ice cream is another one I have to stay clear of!