

  • I didn't actually initially join for weight loss per say - I am coming off some pretty heavy duty anti depressants after 10 years and I had had my brother for two weeks whilst my parents were away and had eaten about 8 take aways in 14 days. The two things had left me feeling unhealthy, exhausted, run down and c**p. I…
  • social situations and cheese are my downfalls. Once i'm out i really struggle to turn down a bowl of crisps or glass of wine. i've dealt with this by accepting that its in my personality to need to let loose every so often, i don't need to beat myself up over it, if i have a bad evening I simply spread those calories over…
  • I was out with a VERY overweight friend one night (actually i think she carries it well, you would think she was a size 18) and some drunk guy came up and said to her "oh my god your fat" and she just looked at him and said "yes I am. And....?".He had no response at all, and just muttered and wandered off. I always…