Loriel Member


  • One woman I know had her daughter come over to confirm a lump she had found. She didn't want to go to the doctor about the lump if she was imagining it. Turned out it was her hip bone. She hadn't felt it in a while and had lost weight.
  • A friend of mine went on a weight loss retreat. For breakfast one morning they were told to take what they considered to be a single serving of cereal. Since she had been dieting a long time she knew what a serving was. She took her portion and then it was actually measured. She had enough for her, her friend, the person…
  • I used to do a mini triathalon every weekend along with other exercise. I was still 75 pounds overweight but was in great shape. I was running one day and experienced a pain and thought to myself "I have sprained my *kitten*". Turns out the medication I was taking destroyed part of my back which caused siatic pain. I had…
  • You are an inspiration to all. You look phenomenal.
  • I have met a couple online guys. I have to say mostly "you have got to be kidding me!" bad and one really good one. I met a lawyer one time who appeared to be wonderful "on paper". When I met him it was at a bar (when I said I did not drink nor would I have anything to do with anyone that had alcohol as a priority in their…
  • I agree with a lot that is being said. I noticed how many times you said that he loved you and he wanted this and he wanted that and yet you only mentioned once in passing that you loved him. I also have a husband who says he wants me to lose weight, not because he is unhappy about my looks but because he says he just…
  • [[/quote] Just curious - where are you from? [/quote] British Columbia, Canada why?
  • Anything that can't be chewed down to smaller than the end of a pencil. Or if it can't be thinned out enough like boiled potatoes. I can even get water stuck if I drink it too fast. It creates an air bubble that sits over the top of the metal band. If I pour cream corn or something on potatoes I can eat them. If I boil…
  • I think part of my problem is that I was so used to doing pretty heavy duty exercise (750 metre swim, 20K bikeride and 5 K run every weekend plus ran 10 k 3 times a week, rode my bike 20 miles a day every day and swam 4 hours a day twice a week) that I have a hard time seeing light exercise as exercise for me. I know I…
  • I know my family would never judge me by my weight (there are so many other things to judge me by lol). I desparately want to make a change and look forward to the night that I don't lecture myself to sleep. I have the most supportive loving family around and want to be around for them in the future.
  • I mean that if I try to eat veggies like brocolli or carrots or lean protein like chicken they get stuck because of the stomach stapling. I then spend hours throwing up trying to get it "unstuck". It is next to impossible to chew some foods down to nothing in order to be able to swallow them. I will figure it out, I just…
  • I even had it done before the 90's. I actually have an appointment with a nutritionist (don't know when yet as they haven't phoned to let me know when it is), but they can take a year or so to get in to. Thanks though for the suggestion, I appreciate the thought.
  • I will succeed. I want to take the inspiration I have received from my daughter and make her proud of me like I am of her.
  • I try to take small steps like 5 or 10 pounds but the other 110 just keep popping up in the way to remind me that they are there lol.
  • Congrats on the weight loss and it is great to see inspirational people. Way to go!
  • Thanks and glad to see there are other newbies