

  • Thanks for taking this angle to express your success! Your point about tracking your food even after you've hit your goal is spot on, coming from an accounting person who quit tracking her food and faltered in her loss. I'm back at it, looking for motivation and trying to find something besides a number to focus on. For me…
  • Me too! Fell off the wagon. Not so much that I got super unhealthy, I was just doing so well I forgot to do what it took to get me there. ow... having killed a thrid of my progress... I'm back. Welcome back to you too!
  • Just try and keep in mind that gaining weight doesn't have to mean getting "fat". You can put on lean muscle mass and still be feminine and more attractive becuase there will be shape. I'm not an example of this so my picutres will do you no good. I'm coming fromteh other side fo the spectrum. However I have a dear friends…
  • Sodium, water weight, bodily waste... there are a huge number of reasons. If you have the need to weigh yourself daily, do it same time everyday. I weigh myself each morning after my shower standing nekkid as a jay bird on my Wii. I only log it once a week though for the same reasons as the dialy fluctuation. I find after…
  • I saw that yesterday and was seriously considering. However I did the Warrior Dash in OR and must say... if the hills are like that, I should wait. I can do ANYTHING but LONG STEEP HIlls. Kicks in my asthma. Do you know anything about the course? I went through their obstacles and that’s no biggie...
  • I was getting the depo shot. Each shot = 10lbs. I didn't ahve any noticable differnce with the pill, other than I would forget to take it. I go with the IUD, its not a memory issue, its not chemical, and its good for years with no negative after effects if you decide to get rid of it early.
  • I'm open for friedns. I was gradually losing weight without thinking about it for about a year. Now I decided to start thinking about it and a friend turned me on to this site. She's lost over 115lbs and untold inches, like 14 dress sizes though. I can't say I'm as driven or motivated as she is, as she is a beast who is…
  • Welcome and good luck! I was gradually losing weight myself and have found this site to be very informative as well as help me stay committed to at the very least, paying attention to what I'm doing. I have a miserable time committing as you mentioned, this has totally helped that. It took me a year to lose 40lbs on my…
  • Holy cow! Definitely lost the inches! I'm sold! :) You look fabulous! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
  • A good start is listening to that girl... the eff crunshes thing. She's my bestie and has done some AMAZING things with herself, as you can see if you visit her story. Short of that, while people tout cardio (I'm was a total follower of this too unfortunately) the more serious I get about this stuff the more I see trainers…
  • I totally get where you are at. I'm new to this site. It was a suggestion of a friend of mine who has lost 112 pounds to date through hard work and the support of this site. She's amazing. I'll admit, I don't have the drive or dedication that she does. I do want to have a happier healthier life though, and I'm committed to…
  • That is absolutely awesome! I'm looking forward to the day when "Obese" isn't a descriptor. That darn Wii machine is WAY to honest for my likeing! :) Glad to see you've hit the mark. Keep up your awesome work!
  • I'm new and thus far staying active with this. It's only been a week though. I'm pushing to loose 50 lbs. I had a major lifestyle change a year and a half ago (relationship ended) and have gradually lost about 45lbs just by not doing habits that were his, but figuring out what were mine. I recently decided to take an…