

  • I'm 5'7 and mine is 143. I am about 10lbs away and feeling better than I have in a while so when I get there I'll see.
  • Personally, I love my recumbent bike. I love to read and it gives me an excuse to read or watch television. Can't do that outside on a regular bike.:happy:
  • First let me say I am really sorry for your loss. It sounds like your friends were really supportive and great. I know it is frustrating when losing weight takes a while, I hit a kind of plateau a few weeks back and it really was hard to make myself stick with it. For me, I added started mixing things up a little with…
  • I think you may need another outlet for your feelings and something to help you stop obsessing over the scale and exercise. I look foward to excercise too and get upset if I can't do what I wan there, but I just think maybe this has become and unhealthy obsession. If you won't get help, maybe join a club or something to…
  • thats great. Know the feeling and it's really about how things fit anyway right?
  • Haha! I'm in the same boat. Hubby wants another for sure, but I am just getting my weight down and am in the midst of potty training the youngest. Two seems like plenty to me. I stay at home and do all the kid stuff, so I feel like I have the most say about this!
  • I hope someone knows. I would think there would be some sort of weight lifting regimen focusing on the chest that would help. Otherwise, if I lose more I will be in trouble too. :wink: