

  • Ah man, would well be up for this but i'm about 100 miles away!
  • I know what you mean, it's comfort food-ahoy! I try and limit my carbs to just a 1/3 of my plate and then fill up on protein and veg! Also, i went and bought a smaller plate, as the ones we have are massive and i end up filling it, like a trough!
  • Me again, does anyone weigh in on a Friday still? I lost 2 lbs this week and went to an 8lbs loss! I'm so chuffed, so chuffed in fact that i've persuaded my work colleagues to go out for lunch! Good luck to everyone else! xx
  • I am doing this at the moment (on week 2) and loving it, finding it easy and really getting results! And i HATE running!!
  • Hi Leslie - well done for 2lbs off! Avoiding bread, pasta and potatoes is hard, but don't restrict yourself too much, just have a little! I've lost another pound this week, was hoping for 2 as eaten well and been running. But still happy! Nearly 1/2 a stone lost! How's everyone else been this week? x
  • Happy Friday everyone, good luck for your weigh ins! I'm so sad, it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up! I lost a pound this week, so back on track.
  • Made a nice, low-fat, easy curry tonight, recipe is as follows: Veg Curry: Cut up any veg you want (tonight I had tomatoes, mushrooms, pepper and carrot. You could use meat/fish) Put in a saucepan with some fry light and 1-2 tablespoons of curry powder and 1-2 tablespoons of ground coriander (or any other curry combo) add…
  • Well done Marina! Enjoy your wedding dress shopping, it's so much fun! I put 1 lbs on, but i'm not too worried as I was at a festival. Back being strict now! Cooking some seafood tapas tonight to pick at!
  • Hi Are you doing this at a gym or at home? I aim to do 3 types of exercise a week, but often don't have the 'get up and go' feeling! Cheers
  • Well done ladies! So I missed last Friday's weigh in as I was at Bestival, but when i returned on monday I was chuffed to see I had stayed the same. I won't count it though as it was on a monday. I'll weigh in properly on Friday. I've no idea what the scales will say as i've been eating lots of comfort food after 4 days…
  • 1 pound is still good, have you ever seen a picture of what that looks like? Not only is it disgusting, but it's a lot! Also, at the risk of sounding like a weight loss consultant "it's better to loose a pound than put on a pound!" xx
  • How did everyone do? I lost 3 lbs so mega chuffed!
  • Me too, a Pilates one! I also use Sky+ to record all the aerobics and Pilates channels while i'm at work and do them in the week...although haven't done it for months!
  • Here's the recipe for the falafel, I'm having this tonight so will let you know what it's like: Ingredients 400g can chickpeas , rinsed and drained garlic clove , chopped handful of flat-leaf parsley or curly parsley 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 1⁄2 tsp harissa paste or chilli powder 2 tbsp plain flour 2 tbsp…
  • Poppy, just don't do what I did and scoff a whole bag because you mis-read the calories!
  • Ooh sounds good, i'll have a look!
  • Eating at work can be the worst when there's nowhere 'healthy' to buy food....and you're too lazy to make your lunch! I've got a Co-op near me and if I have to buy something i'll go for their tomato soup (1 serving 80 cals) and a salad, sometimes with some protein (they do cooked chicken and prawns in packets) I used to do…
  • Hi everyone This is nice isn't it? I can't stand those meetings where people moan about not loosing weight despite eating 5 packets of biscuits (oh wait that's me...) I've said it a thousand times but THIS TIME I"M GOING TO DO IT.... I am 30 years old and work as a marketing manager for a creative agency, so yes i sit on…
  • Hi Ladies I have decided to joint too and will be weighing on a Friday morning (after i've been to loo and have nothing in my stomach!!! it all helps doesn't it!?) My starting weight is 174 pounds I'm planning on following a simple diet that has worked for me in the past which is nothing but fruit before 11 (it's easier to…