andrew384 Member


  • Yeah I know... They're so used to seeing me with a bit of timber on me I suppose it didn't look right to them. But I'm now thinking why should I listen to other people when I felt so good about myself, not to mention reduced aches and pains.
  • Just a quick update. I've changed my mfp settings, cut down my drinking to once a week (a few beers then a few vodkas) and generally lead a healthy lifestyle 6 days a week and maybe once have a curry or something. To date I have lost about 16lbs in 3 weeks! That's just from cutting out the booze and takeaways!!
  • Hi Nooge Thanks for your reply. My alcohol intake is relatively high. Being an ex rugby player and all round social person it came as second nature. Normally, I will have 8-10 pints on a wednesday (stella Artois or Strongbow for example) and then 10 on a Friday and same on a Saturday. I also work in the office and drink…
  • Body builders do this to strip fat quickly and then after shows put some back on. Not exactly what the majority of people on here are looking for. I don't recall many people on here looking to build muscle mainly lose quite a few pounds and feel good/better about themselves. I think that in anycase if you are finding…
  • in the week I tend to cycle 30 mins in the morning and 45 mins in the evening (to and from work) @ 14-16 mph. I then walk the dog and a fast pace for 50 mins in the morning and a slow to moderate pace in the evening for 80 mins. I haven't got a heart rate monitor so I jut calculate time/distance for speed. I think my…
  • Sorry, I've done that and will give it a go. Thanks for your advice and patience!!
  • Ah sorry see what you mean now. Mine is set to sedetary anyway since I mainly sit at a desk all day.
  • I can't really change my activity as I need to walk my dog and I cycle to and from work. But I will take the rest on board. Cheers all!
  • Thanks for your replies. It's given me food for thought!! (see what I did there) I'll try cutting out sugary foods and we have actually changed from say normal pasta to brown pasta, etc. Regarding exercise I would say on the whole it is only the cycling that I get really out of breath and get a good sweat on. Plus, I'm…
  • perhaps I'm over estimating my exercise calorie burn?? I have a gps tracker and I work my speed out from that. I also time the the distance I travel to work speed out and I think it is fairly accurate. Don't get me wrong there's nothing i'd love better than to sit on my *kitten* but it's not in my make up to do that!! lol
  • I only tend to eat if I'm hungry and sometimes when I come home I might have a chocolate bar such as a Rocky when I take the dog out. I have never thought about my calorie in take during the day just thought that my alcohol intake was very high so decided to cut it down. Perhaps I'l try and snack a bit more during the day…
  • Daily exercise is walking my dog for 50 mins in the morning at a very brisk pace, cycling to and from work 25 mins to and 45 mins back (14-16 mph) and then walking dog in evening for 80 mins at a moderate pace around 2-3 mph. I am a large frame, carry weight on stomach and very large (imo) hips, but generally top half,…