How to burn fat efficiently



  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    Myth. If you workout too intense you'll end up catabolizing lean muscle tissue.

    You are wrong.

    I exercise on an empty stomach 5 times a week, often with intensity levels to cause burst blood vessels and nose bleeds.

    I get stronger every week. Catabolism doesn't work like that. That is bro science taken from the likes of or flex.

    x2 - I do the same thing. The last time I told someone it was a myth, they gathered a posse and began to ridicule me.

    lol. I await the backlash.

    You look very lean to me. I know how lean I am. I am happy to continue with what i know :-)

    Good luck mate.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    You want to burn fat more efficiently? LIFT HEAVY (as you can) and HARD (intensity) on all your exercises. The metabolic boost raises your resting metabolic rate. You burn more calories resting (including sleep) than all the exercising in a day. The fuel used at rest is FAT. Raise that resting rate and you burn fat more efficiently. Nuff said.

    This on the other hand, I completely agree with.
    Any advise for someone who doesnt want to gain muscle? And please dont say that women dont have enough testosterone to bulk up - they can and they do. I did. So how can I burn fat without lifting?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Oh dear. I have read many of your posts on here recently. I can see you have attempted to position yourself as some sort of training and diet guru. I have to say I disagree with pretty much most of what you have written.

    You have posted a completely irrelevant study and then garnished it with your opinion.

    I maintain, you are wrong.
    You can disagree. What I posted aren't studies, they are the backbone of how the body utilizes energy from protein, carbs and fats.
    Philosophies differ. We may agree on some things and won't on others. It's good for members to hear different philosophies and let them see evidence and make up their own minds as to which they want to believe.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Any advise for someone who doesnt want to gain muscle? And please dont say that women dont have enough testosterone to bulk up - they can and they do. I did. So how can I burn fat without lifting?
    It's almost impossible to gain muscle on a calorie deficit. Even if the nutrition was spot on, you got enough rest, and your exercise was perfect, to gain muscle you need to be on a calorie surplus. To build muscle would mean gaining weight. There are exceptions (obese people who were sedentary, people who have never exercised before, athlete coming off a long layoff), but even then the muscle gain is minimal.
    You can burn fat just doing cardio, but you'll also end up losing lean muscle tissue with it. That intern will lower your metabolic rate and will mean you'll have to do longer and longer durations.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    This is called Bonk training and it's very controversial and NOT for your average joe on here trying to lose weight and hell I think it's stupid for anyone to do something like this but hey it's your body so be my guest. Loss/Exercise/Cardiovascular Exercise/Bonk_Training.html
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    This is called Bonk training and it's very controversial and NOT for your average joe on here trying to lose weight and hell I think it's stupid for anyone to do something like this but hey it's your body so be my guest. Loss/Exercise/Cardiovascular Exercise/Bonk_Training.html
    Not really new. Competitive bodybuilders have been doing this for years with good results.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    This is called Bonk training and it's very controversial and NOT for your average joe on here trying to lose weight and hell I think it's stupid for anyone to do something like this but hey it's your body so be my guest. Loss/Exercise/Cardiovascular Exercise/Bonk_Training.html
    Not really new. Competitive bodybuilders have been doing this for years with good results.

    I didn't say it was new, i said it was controversial and i'm well aware that athletes use this kind of training. I'm just saying it's not very smart. I don't jump on the band wagon of something just because athletes do it! lord knows they're just as dumb as the rest of us.
  • andrew384
    andrew384 Posts: 14 Member
    Body builders do this to strip fat quickly and then after shows put some back on. Not exactly what the majority of people on here are looking for. I don't recall many people on here looking to build muscle mainly lose quite a few pounds and feel good/better about themselves. I think that in anycase if you are finding difficult to lose weight is to consult your gp as there may be medical reasons that no-one on here can possibly be aware of.
    This is called Bonk training and it's very controversial and NOT for your average joe on here trying to lose weight and hell I think it's stupid for anyone to do something like this but hey it's your body so be my guest. Loss/Exercise/Cardiovascular Exercise/Bonk_Training.html
    Not really new. Competitive bodybuilders have been doing this for years with good results.
  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    I try to do this every morning, unfortunately the gym doesn't open until 9:30. I don't usually get to eat before 1pm. Drinking the whey is something that I should start.

    If it's good enough for the athletes, I'm game :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Body builders do this to strip fat quickly and then after shows put some back on. Not exactly what the majority of people on here are looking for. I don't recall many people on here looking to build muscle mainly lose quite a few pounds and feel good/better about themselves. I think that in anycase if you are finding difficult to lose weight is to consult your gp as there may be medical reasons that no-one on here can possibly be aware of.
    Actually many of them do it for 6-12 weeks. Doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach for 30-45min at 60%-70% of you max heart rate wouldn't be too taxing on the body.
    On the other hand training high intensity and tapping your glycogen storage then having the body to tap from another source could.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The fatal flaw in most of these theories is that they assume that what happens during an exercise workout is somehow a discrete event, unaffected by anything else that happens during the day.
    Have to agree somewhat. Hormones, stress, and rest all will affect it.
    The most powerful and efficient way to "burn fat" is to maintain a calorie deficit. The effect of that deficit stimulates changes to a far greater magnitude than all of this tinkering around.
    But in a sedentary person, this would include burning of lean muscle tissue.

    Two points:
    I didn't elaborate because I have written about it a million times before, but the fuel substrate used for a workout has little or no effect on long-term body fat loss. So whether or not exercising in a "fasted" state leads to an RQ shift during exercise (i.e. increased "fat burning") means nothing--at the end of 24 hours TOTAL fat oxidation is the same when compared to someone who "burned less fat" during their workout. I have not seen the same level of study done for amino acids, but I suspect the same is also true for that as well. The idea that "cardio burns muscle" because, at some point during an extended cardio workout an increased percentage of energy will be derived from amino acids, seems incongruous with all other physiological systems. I have never seen the origin of this statement, but it sounds like something that is being inappropriately generalized.

    Second: The point was not that diet alone is the optimal way to achieve permanent fat loss. The point was that a negative energy balance is by far the single most powerful stimulant to increased fat oxidation (the original topic of the thread). For the average person, things such as meal timing, exercise order, exercise time of day, supplements, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc are just extraneous noise and trivia keeping them from focusing on the most important thing: maintaining a consistent calorie deficit. There is no question that permanent fat loss (and health) is greatly enhanced by cardiovascular and resistance exercises.