

  • I lost an average 2 year old and she/he wasn't even mine. I don't want her/him back. This is a great article. I love her sense of humor. I'm at a phase in my dieting where I'm stuck looking for ways to lose more weight. It has come to the conclusion I need to get off my butt and exercise more.
  • Well I have to pipe in here and say a few things. I am one of the individuals that have a hard time getting 1000 calories a day and I'll be upfront and honest. I have always starved myself for as long as I can remember. Wouldn't know it would you? Considering I'm overweight. Well what happened is because of years of…
  • I will defiantly try this out this weekend. So new to this stuff that I didn't realize whole grain came in white bread. Would be awesome if they loved it. Thanks so much!
  • awesome job, keep up the fantastic work.
  • I rarely wear makeup and when I do it bothers my face. I can't have it on for long periods of time. Back when I was younger I would wear it all the time. I do wear lip gloss all the time.
  • Fantastic job and congrats. :)
  • Yup, gotta love PMS stuff. I usually gain it in my belly and boobs about a week prior. I've never weighed myself during that time I just know because everything is tighter. I try and watch what I eat at that time and 2 days into it I'm feeling comfortable again in my clothes. :smile:
  • When I lost 20lbs I lost a pant size but not the shirt size. Now I am starting to lose it in my upper part and my top size is going down. Just depends on what kind of exercising you are doing that affects that part of the body as well as how your body stores fat. Me I tend to be hip heavy. Great work though. Just know that…
  • The Notebook, City of Angels, The Crow (original movie not the series)
  • I can tell a big difference then before. I never drank water before and now it's about all I drink, other than 100% juice or sweet tea. My kidneys feel so much better, it is just amazing. I don't swell up anymore either. My hands and fingers use to swell up when I did any kind of exercising. I was just wondering if there…
  • I have a few.... I have a rose and butterfly in my left ankle (my very first one). I have a Dove with a banner in it's mouth saying "Freebird" for my grandfather who passed away. I have an angel on my lower back prayer and keeping watch over me. I have witzy the duck by suzy zoo on the front of my left ankle to remind me…
  • Very nice and inspirational. Thank you.
  • I feel your pain. I have been trying to change my eating habits going on my third month. The first month was easy because I felt I could conquer the world and what everyone else ate didn't bother me. The second month I was craving, and seeing that the food or drinks was there I'd have a bite or just a drink and then I…
  • Could be several factors. Are you drinking enough water so you don't retain any? PMS? Is the weather hot so you may have water retention? It also maybe do to eating a bigger size meal than normal and your bloated from it. I would measure and then maybe see in a couple days and see if it's changed any. Good luck.