Detoxing anyone??

Now that I'm on a new way of eating and a much happier and healthier way, I was wondering if anyone has done a detoxing to get rid of the toxins in their body? If so does it really work? Did you feel better after? Detoxing suggestions?

Is there anything you never thought of trying except when you where losing weight?

I'm just curious as I want to feel good and get rid of all or any poisons in my body.


  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    A healthy diet can "detoxify" your body. I ate healthily for about two months and my skin was better, I was more energetic, I could run faster, etc...
    I never believed in going on a juice fast, or a liquid diet.
    But if you feel like a juice detox will help rid of bad habits, go ahead.
  • MB4ever
    MB4ever Posts: 18
    I can tell a big difference then before. I never drank water before and now it's about all I drink, other than 100% juice or sweet tea.
    My kidneys feel so much better, it is just amazing. I don't swell up anymore either. My hands and fingers use to swell up when I did any kind of exercising.
    I was just wondering if there was any hidden toxins I may not have gotten thus far and if a detoxing would help.
    Does detoxing help with cravings?
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    I think you answered your own question! If you are already experiencing all these great things from changing your diet/ habits then what more are you looking for? I think just keep doing what you are doing! 21 pounds is great success! :)