

  • I tend to go out, it is becoming more popular in New Zealand and I hate it. We have a huge weight problem with some kids in South Auckland and really shouldn't encourage it.
  • Congratulations on what you have achieved today. I know how hard it is to stop at one donut etc. I'm like that with chocolate etc. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:
    in Full day Comment by Sharias October 2011
  • I haven't taken my favorite foods out of my eating habits I just fit them in. I love Pinky bars so I have mini ones in the fridge and have one or two a night. When I take things out completely I tend to crave them. If I over eat I try to exercise to make up any short fall. Since I have taken ownership of my eating I seem…
  • Thats awesome. Keep up the fantastic work. :smile:
  • I'm from Auckland New Zealand. I enjoy looking at what others from around the world are up to. I am focussed on 300 gms a week and anything above is a bonus. Being a normal person is the key. I have a long way to go and will get there one day. I think that some programs have given us unrealistic goals, I have been…
  • It's called living life, something we all need to do. One night occasionally doesn't hurt. Enjoy the night with your sister.
  • It's called living life, something we all need to do. One night occasionally doesn't hurt. Enjoy the night with your sister.
  • I have had a year of ups and downs too, I belong to a group where we meet weekly, weigh in and talk about the real issues Why we do things and we all talk openly and honestly. Over the past 2 months I have begun to own my food issues and have finally begun to live life, I ask myself would a normal person have a piece of…
  • Nothing as I don't know what they are and why start now? :wink:
  • Why is having an ice cream bad? I have a lot of weight to lose and for a large number of years I have done all the fad diets and have lost huge amounts quickly only to put it all back on and more. I now belong to a supportive group who are all working on being normal. Every time I eat something I think I shouldn't I ask…
  • :happy: Hi Leesh Great to see you on here, I discovered it about 10 days ago. I go to a lifestyle group in Papakura and was put on to it there. Good luck and remember you need to be normal too. We gotta catch up soon. Luff Sharlene
    in hello Comment by Sharias August 2011
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