Help! Before I go even further backwards!

I don't know what is wrong with me. I started on this site in January of this year. I was doing SO good. I lost 50lbs in 4 months! And then all of the sudden, I stopped. I still exercise, but it's not as consistant. I don't log like I should either. I have gone up and down the same 10lbs over the last few months. It makes me so upset to know that if I would have kept doing what I was doing, I could have lost another 50lbs by now. It seems like every week, I think I am back on track, but by the end of the week, I am off again. :frown:

Anyone have any advice on how to get back on track for good?


  • Maff87
    Maff87 Posts: 39
    I've done that and find that having inspiration helps. For me, I have a picture of my bum in size 10 jeans stuck on the fridge :) and I have pics on here of when I was skinny to look at whilst updating my food diary. I'm soon getting a better mobile too so I can update when I'm out
  • MaudeBeige
    Big hugs... I feel like I'm in the same place (but didn't lose the 50lbs first, just 25!) Last week I lost NOTHING! The 2 weeks prior to that I lost 2lbs each week... I'm also FED UP!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    all i can tell you is i've done the same thing since march almost 2 years ago! i feel like now i'm just at the point that i don't want to cheat anymore, i want to lose this weight for good. there has to be a turning point that makes you want to stick with it. i hit my highest weight and my husband only weighed 10 more lbs than me - he is 6'1, i'm 5'2. that was embarrassing. i knew that i had to do something because i couldn't let it go any longer and i was sick of wasting time! i want to have lost all my weight so that i can ENJOY next summer, because i was miserable this year in a bathing suit.

    remember all the reasons your doing this for yourself! write them down and put them on the mirror in your bathroom or on your dresser. whenever you are tempted to cheat, remember how far you've come and what you have yet to accomplish if you just keep going.
  • Marcel7
    Marcel7 Posts: 52 Member
    If there is someone close to you who is losing weight as well, it is a great encouragement. My wife is on MFP as well, and it really helps to have someone on the journey with you. Hopefully you can start back up and not worry about the time that has gone by. Focusing on what I can control, meaning exercising and eating right today, helps me.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I have no idea. I stuck a fat picture of me on the fridge along with a picture of a fit girl that I'd like to look like. That convicts me when I'm about to do something I shouldn't. But still, it's a hard journey.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    try to get back to basics with your food, be consistant with your journaling and get on the treadmill. Every day is a fresh start!!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Sounds like you've already answered your question. Exercise and diet are extremely important. I know I've taken a few weeks off from exercise and tracking my diet and voila I gained 5-10 pounds. As soon as I started tracking what I ate, the weight slow started coming off. Get in a routine and if you have a smartphone get the mfp app on it and track your activities(eating and work outs). You will hit plateaus sometime but stay with it. You've lost 50 pounds so far so you CAN do this!

  • NicolioRussell
    I went through this, too, at the beginning of the year. I lost 25 pounds by March...and then I was off the wagon. Until September. Had to start at square one. I see friends on here that I added back in January...and they have lost 50-90 pounds and I think "I could have done that."

    But really, it's about recommitting to it. Make sure you're doing it for you and for the right reasons. The rest will fall in line.
  • Sharias
    Sharias Posts: 11
    I have had a year of ups and downs too, I belong to a group where we meet weekly, weigh in and talk about the real issues Why we do things and we all talk openly and honestly. Over the past 2 months I have begun to own my food issues and have finally begun to live life, I ask myself would a normal person have a piece of cake or a biscuit when out with friends for coffee if I can honestly say yes then I will have it. I am applying this principal to what and how much I eat and it seems to be working for me. I am also totally honest about recording what I eat and I record it after each meal not just at the end of the day. Doing this helps me realise when I am close to going over my calories and helps me modify my choices. If I do go over I don't waste time or energy beating myself up about it.

    I don't feel as though I am missing out and I am aiming for 300 gms a week.

    Remember you didn't gain weight over night and it is going to take time, you are also lighter than you were before you started
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    To keep me motivated, I do a few different things...

    - I'll go through and clean out my friends who haven't logged on in over a week. I need people who are here and would miss me or question my inactivity.

    - I have set a mini-goal to be to 150 by the end of October. It was the weight I was when I quit smoking two years ago on the 30th and I'm determined to have that quitting weight gone.

    - I joined my first challenge on here and have met an awesome group of girls who will help keep me motivated.

    - And every once in awhile, I will look at myself naked in a full-length mirror from all angles and remind myself that this isn't where I want to be
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Do you think you pushed yourself too hard those first four months? A loss of 50 pounds in four months seems to be a bit much, that's a loss of 3.13 pounds per week. I would shoot for a loss of 2 pounds per week, a more doable option. Also, I notice that most people, including myself, taper out after the first month, losing one-half to two pounds per week. It's a slower process, but it's always in the right direction: down.

    Slow and steady is the way to go.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Switch to maintence and get back into the habit of doing all you need to do. Start with logging religiously! Whatever you do, DON'T GAIN ANY MORE BACK! Eventually, you will be in the mood to lose again.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Try taking it one choice at a time. We get so focused on the overall goal, we forget that it is the little steps that really got us there. I had a mini crisis this week, and I am refocused now on getting my water, logging everything and getting my exercise.

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Try taking it one choice at a time. We get so focused on the overall goal, we forget that it is the little steps that really got us there. I had a mini crisis this week, and I am refocused now on getting my water, logging everything and getting my exercise.

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I can so relate to what you are saying! recently, since july 23rd to about middle of September, i have been a big time slacker! yes, i too could have lost about 20-24 more pounds if i would have only not slcaked off and ate Ben & Jerry's! It's a long hard road and you are bound to have relapses, i did and others on here as well. Forgive yourself, REFOCUS, and move forward once again! forget about about what you have recently done and that it wasn't good just keep the ultimate goal in site and how great you will feel when you do get there. I have been back on track and once again steadily losing weight, ya, i will still have my ice cream, pizza or whatever but its a splurge day, not a slurge month and that is the hardest part, getting back on track! I would't trade any of it for how good i feel now, even with another 60lbs to go. You can do this, I can do this, we all can do this!Ask yourself, do you really want to feel miserable again, is it really worth it?? i say hell no and so should you! Now get back up and keep going! :)
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Thank you everyone so much for the advice! Now I remember why I like this site so much!