
Hi there,

I discovered MFP the other day, and I'm in love with it... being able to track my food and exercise is such a neat thing. I am a busy mum of 4 kids {3 bio, 1 step} and after having the 2nd youngest, I really struggled to get back into shape {and clothes}... So I had my final baby in March 2011, and now it's time to get working... Summer is just around the corner, and I have so many items of clothing sitting in the wardrobe waiting for me to fit them again.

I am currently 77kgs, and hope to be at least 60kgs by Christmas.


  • Sharias
    Sharias Posts: 11
    :happy: Hi Leesh

    Great to see you on here, I discovered it about 10 days ago. I go to a lifestyle group in Papakura and was put on to it there. Good luck and remember you need to be normal too.

    We gotta catch up soon.