

  • According to the NYT "outdoor running burns about 5 percent more calories than treadmills do" http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/health/06real.html?_r=2&scp=2&sq=running&st=nyt&oref=slogin One thing to take into consideration is how flat your path is outside. Even small inclines add up, which can make a big difference if…
  • I wish that my workplace would let me have a standing desk! My husband has one at home and loves it. As an added benefit, it can be great for your back.
  • I so know the feeling! Just remind yourself that in a few days you'll have a great miraculous drop in weight as well!
  • I've actually started losing weight since adding more fat to my diet in the form of nuts, avocados, flax seed oil etc. It is great to be low on fat if your sources of fat are junk food or animal products, but just make sure that you're still getting enough of the essential fats that your body needs to be healthy.…
  • The thing is... math (at least from what I've seen) never accounts for everything in weight loss. There is not only the minor issue that muscle burns more than fat, there is also the issue that people who lift act differently. They go home and toss their toddlers in the air. They get into arm-wrestling competitions with…
  • B Vitamins! I'm drinking green tea these days for lots of reasons, but even when I take a day off I still feel more awake as long as I take some sort of vitamin supplement with lots of B vitamins. It works for me.
  • I love using a sprouter for seeds, but for lentils I just use a glass jar for lentils. My regular sprouter isn't dishwasher safe & the small seeds take extra care anyway, so it is a lot more work to insure that it is really clean. I don't let the lentils sprout more than 3 days as they seem to go bad quickly. Perhaps the…
  • It depends both upon the type of surgery, and what the doctor actually does. If it is a laparoscopic surgery just to diagnose and the surgeon doesn't actually remove anything, then I could see you going back to work the next day or running/dancing in a week or two. But the more that your doctor actually ends up removing,…
  • As with most things in life, patience is key. I agree with those who say you don't need to cook meat if you're not eating it. Don't judge others for their choices, but don't facilitate them either. Instead, focus on making the choices you agree with as easy and appealing as possible. I do 95% of the cooking and while I…
  • I'm not sure what the line is for a high fiber diet, but I aim for 50g each day and it looks like I naturally hit at least 40. I focus on lots of vegetables and try to make sure that most of my "junk food" has fiber in it. One of my current questions is actually how to properly limit carbs while also keeping fiber up. I…
  • The one that you will actually do is the one that is better for you! I've read that running outside burns more calories, but that doesn't matter if you won't do it. Personally I much prefer outside to the treadmill, but I know other people who are only motivated by the gym.