

  • Congratulations! A massage is the way to go. After P90X it feels as if you need a total day spa!
  • I mix Kashi Golean Crunch almond flax honey (1 cup) with 1 cup of the Kashi soy protein, twigs..etc (is the highest in protein), and 1 cup of almond milk, for less than 400 calories in themorning. That is what I am having now! Over 20 grams of protein and lots of fiber and it is very filling!
  • Hi, I have read that muscles should not be trained everyday, that when the muscle rests, it repairs. I don't know how true this is, but this makes sense to me. I think you should try every other day for the abs? I am not a fitness trainer, but I have heard that a lot from professionals.
  • I am doing a hybrid of Turbofire, Brazil Butt Lift and P90X. I started with this hybrid this week; was doing only Turbofire for about 10 weeks now.